Crimson Trailer

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A/N: This is Joker's Trailer. Enjoy. Play song up top while reading

Mayday! Mayday!
The ship is slowly sinking

A fire burned as people and faunus ran from the village. They screamed running for their lives. One faunus didn't run from the village but rather walked towards it.

They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling

A villager stopped and grabbed his arm. "Are you insane?! There's demons attacking the village!" The faunus pushed the man's hand away and continued walking towards the village.

He stepped into the village calmly walking to the center. He sat down pulling out his red handgun then fired it into the air.

They're all around me,
Circling like vultures

In a matter of seconds demons came running to the spot stopping a few feet away from the faunus.

They wanna break me and wash away my colors
Wash away my colors

The demon general stepped forward, "Ah the son of Arkham. We've been wai-" The demon general's head rolled off of his body before becoming ash. The rest of the demons looked at the faunus who held a black and red katana dripping the demon general's blood.

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay)

The faunus smirked before he started attacking the demons. He sliced six in half and continued attacking before his eyes changed.

We are one in the same
Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away)

'This'll be fun' the faunus pulled out a scythe continuing his onslaught.

Save me if I become
My demons

Half way through the fight a demon sliced the faunus across the chest. The faunus growled and began to change. Sprouting demonic wings and spikes along with dark fur over his body.

I cannot stop this sickness taking over
It takes control and drags me into nowhere

His transformation completed and he attacked with more ferocity. He threw his scythe at the demons causing it to cleave through them like butter.

I need your help, I can't fight this forever
I know you're watching,
I can feel you out there

A figure watched as the onslaught continued studying the faunus. The faunus then glew a dark purple pushing his arms back seeming to gather the chaos into some sort of attack.

Take me over the walls below
Fly forever

He pushed his arms forward sending a purplish ball of energy at the remaining demons killing them.

Don't let me go
I need a savior to heal my pain

The faunus breathed heavily changing back to his normal form before collapsing onto the ground unconscious.

When I become my worst enemy
The enemy

The figure walked up to the faunus picking him up and carrying him away.

Take me high and I'll sing
Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay)
We are one in the same
Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away)
Save me if I become
My demons

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