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Death was a beautiful thing that Yugi Muto had welcomed. He was eighteen years old and depressed, his grandfather had died a few months ago, after Yami returned to the afterlife. Death had sounded so blissful, he could be with his grandpa again and everything would be fine. Or so he thought. What happened to him changed his life forever, whether it was for the better or for the worse was to be debated. He wanted death, so he attempted it in hopes he would be free.

Yugi was found by Duke Devlin who had him transported to the hospital where he was put on life support and put in a coma which lasted a month. On that day an uprising had occurred and vampires were revealed to exist, blood was shed by human and vampire alike, some were turned and others destroyed. It didn't take long for the epidemic to reach the hospital and for Yugi himself to be bitten by one. His friends wasted no time getting him out of there, all were afraid of what the government would do with their friend.

As weeks went by and Yugi remained in his coma, his friends learned to fight. They became a stronger team, they stuck together through thick and thin in hopes Yugi would eventually wake up.

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