Chapter 2

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It was December the twenty-third, 2018, Yugi was still chained to his bed. His friends trusted him for the most part, but Tea was adamant about Yugi staying where he was. Nobody liked the idea at all, but Yugi understood where she was coming from. Unfortunately every day he had to listen to the same arguments, which began around November the third. They argued about whether or not he should be released, whether or not he should be chained at all times, and whether or not he was the blood-thirsty animal  Tea believed him to be.

"Tea, we have to let him go!" Joey told her, "We are keeping him prisoner for no reason at all!"

"He's a vampire." Tea argued, "He'll kill us!"

"He's our friend." Tristan argued back, "Come on, this isn't fair."

Yugi sighed, "That's it." removing his chains he got up and changed his clothes, then he put on his shoes and grabbed his money box, heading downstairs. Once there, his friends looked at him in shock and he rolled his eyes. "The cuffs have been broken for a while, thanks to your arguing I am late for Christmas shopping." He then stared Tea dead in the eyes, "You know I can hear you, right?" He then left, closing the door behind him with a smirk.

"He's gonna-"

"Tea, enough." Duke interrupted her, "He stayed, even though he didn't have to. Yugi deserves better."

"And who are we to deny him his rights?" Joey frowned, "You're his friend too."

Yugi walked around the town, seeing a few people with coats and a few without, he guessed those without were also vampires. He entered a store and looked around, then carefully grabbed some things he knew his friends would like and a bouquet of flowers.  Afterward, he went to pay, then headed back home. He heard a sigh of relief from his friends as he entered the house, then he turned his gaze towards them. "I'm going to the graveyard to see grandpa, do any of you want to come with?"

"Sure." Joey agreed, "Are you okay?"

"It's almost Christmas and I haven't been there in half a year Joey, he is so gonna kill me if I don't get to hell first." he huffed, "Mostly for what I did with my depression..."

"Alright, well it's good to have you back." Joey smiled softly, "Want me to get you a cup of blood?"

"Yeah, thanks." Yugi smiled brightly, "I'm parched!" He then headed upstairs and into his room where he hid the bag, soon returning with the flowers. He waited patiently for Joey, leaning against a wall as the aroma of blood filled the room. "He does use safety precautions, right?"

"Yeah, unless he was in a hurry." Tristan told him, "Then he...doesn't..." Truth.

Yugi frowned worriedly, listening quietly to Joey in case anything went wrong. "Crud!"

Hearing that word, he raced towards the kitchen with the others behind him, his eyes widened as he saw Joey holding his bleeding wrist, he had cut too deep. "Joey!" he was at his friend's side in seconds, "Joey, are you okay? We have to get you to a-a-"

"I'm fine Yuge, it's just a cut.." he frowned as Yugi's eyes grew darker, with hunger, then he looked at Tea. "When was the last time he was fed?"

"Last week. Why?" When she received glares she defensively put her hands up, "You guys KNOW I won't go near him to feed him."

"Yugi?" Joey said softly, "Yugi, you have to listen to me." he gently touched his friend's shoulder, "I'm going to let you feed from my wrist, okay? I'm putting all my trust in you. Do you understand?" When Yugi nodded slightly Joey gave him his wrist. "Don't bite, just suck." As Yugi shakily took his friend's wrist he glanced up for definitive approval, and when he saw the nod he fed, inserting his fangs enough to latch on, but not actually biting. It took a minute before Yugi heard a slight groan, at this he forced himself to pull away and licked the open wound, then watched it close. He looked up worriedly at his friend and carefully picked him up, taking him to the couch so he could rest. "I-I'm okay Yugi." Joey said softly, "Just...takes a lot..."

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