Chapter 1

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Joseph Wheeler was sitting by the bed and holding his friend's hand, Yugi had been in a coma for nearly three months and it scared everyone. He had been bathed multiple times by the guys and fed some blood through a tube going down his throat. He had been restrained with metal cuffs to the bed, nobody was sure if he'd try to attack or not, they couldn't take any risks. He sighed softly and stroked his friend's hair, smiling weakly as he remembered the good times. When he felt the hand tighten he immediately sat on the bed and watched as Yugi opened his eyes.

"Yugi, don't panic." Joey said soothingly, "I promise to explain everything. I'm taking the tube out now, okay?" As Yugi watched his friend nervously he felt a pain in his throat, then gasped and coughed, struggling with the pain of the tube being removed. "Yugi? Can you say something?"

" I...?" Yugi asked in a hoarse voice as his hair was gently stroked by his best friend. "Joey, why am I...chained...?"

"It's for your safety and ours." Joey explained, "You were turned into a vampire."

"Ha ha. Funny." Yugi rolled his eyes, "Now untie me." When there was no smile or laughter, Yugi grew concerned, "J-Joseph this isn't funny!"

"It's not a joke." Joey told him, "I promise you'll be untied when it's safe, okay?"

Yugi nodded softly as Joey resumed holding his hand, it helped to ease his mind knowing someone was there for him. "I'm scared."

"Don't be." Joey smiled softly, "We're just going to take notes, see if we can fix this, and soon you'll be out of those cuffs."

"Joey? Who are you talking to?" Tea Gardner asked as she entered the bedroom, when she saw that Yugi was awake she smiled softly, feeling a bit nervous. "Hey Yugi, how do you feel?"

"I'm okay, just scared...and my throat hurts." he admitted, "How long was I out?"

"Months." Tristan Taylor replied as he entered, "We've been hunting vampires left and right, the government wants a peace treaty with them. I say kill them all."

Yugi frowned as Tea agreed with him.

"What about Yugi?" Joey asked with a frown as he squeezed his friend's hand.

"Well technically Yuge is one of them." he pointed out, "What if he attacks us?"

"What if he doesn't?" Duke asked as he entered the room with a bag of blood, then approached the bed. "Hey Yuge, gotcha dinner."

Yugi's eyes widened, "Not a chance."

"Yugi, you need it." Joey said softly, "It's okay."

"It isn't okay! None of this is okay!" Yugi exclaimed, "When I said I wanted death I didn't mean this! I don't like hurting people!"

"How about I put it in a cup with a lid for you?" Joey asked, "You can pretend it's kool-aid, okay?"

"Nobody got hurt...right...?" Yugi asked nervously, he looked really worried about it.

"No Yugi, it's my own blood." Duke stated, "Relax, it didn't hurt at all, I promise."

Yugi looked at his friends, then sighed softly and bit his lip nervously. "What happens if I don't drink it?"

"You could lose your sanity and feed until you are full, or you might die." Joey replied, "They are just theories, then again maybe nothing happens, but we all know you would never risk the first."

"Fine." he sighed in defeat, "I just really don't want to see the blood when I drink it."

"You won't, I'll put it in a styrofoam cup for you." Joey smiled softly, he then stood and headed out with Duke.

Tea and Tristan watched Yugi warily, neither of them trusted him because of what he was and Yugi knew it just by looking into their eyes. He sighed softly and waited patiently for Duke and Joey to return with his food. "Being a vampire sucks."

"How do you figure?" Tristan asked with a frown as he reached for a stake.

"I have to drink blood to keep from possibly killing you." Yugi replied, "I'm chained to a bed, I don't know my limits, and I might not be able to ever see grandpa again." he huffed, "Vampirism sucks." He then turned his gaze back to his friends, "Do you know if I can at least see a beautiful day again?"

Tea and Tristan shared stunned looks as Tristan lowered his hand, then he looked back at his friend. "Yeah, you can little buddy, after we are able to trust you."

"At least I have something to look forward to." Yugi said in a soft voice, "What is the date?" he asked, "I don't really remember much after my suicide attempt."

"September the thirtieth, 2018." Tea told him, "Why'd you do it?"

"I miss grandpa." Yugi shrugged, "Living without him feels like hell."

"You know you might have to remain in those chains forever, right?" Tea informed Yugi and watched for his reaction.

"Then I have nothing to look forward to." he replied, "None of you trust me and the sun is the one thing I'd love to see again besides you guys."

"You will." Joey replied as he walked in with a styrofoam cup, he then helped Yugi to sit up and smiled softly at his friend. "Just don't listen to them and pretend this is cherry kool-aid or strawberry."

"What if I like it?" Yugi asked softly as he looked up at his friend, "I don't want to like it."

"Just because you like it, doesn't make you a monster." Joey told him in a matter-of-fact voice, "You are still Yugi Muto, our best friend. You need to survive and nobody here will judge you for it." he smiled gently, "There is a difference between killing for pleasure and killing for survival."

Yugi nodded and sighed, then drank the blood, it didn't take long for his eyes to light up and he began to enjoy the taste. He hated it, but it tasted so amazing. When he finished he pulled back and licked his lips, "Tastes like honey."

Duke smiled softly, "Well, at least we know you won't fight us about drinking it."

Joey set the cup down on the table, then he touched Yugi's shoulder, "Just tell us whenever you're hungry, okay?"

"Only if you don't get hurt." Yugi replied in a soft voice, "I can't believe I liked it..."

"It's okay to Yuge, it's not like you have a choice in this." Joey told him, "We need to go, but I promise we'll be back soon."

"Okay, I'll see ya later." Yugi smiled softly and watched his friends go, once they were gone he sighed and tested his strength, the cuffs easily popped open and he noticed they were messed up a little and wouldn't shut tight. He had two options, stay and pretend everything was fine or run away and live his undead life. Weighing his options he chose the former, he felt it was the only way to gain their trust. He fixed the cuffs back in place and waited in boredom, then decided to see if he had any powers at all.

When the others returned, Yugi was glaring at a book on the shelf and concentrating. "Um, Yuge? What are you doing?" Tristan asked him, he was just as confused as the others.

"Trying to see if I have telekinetic powers." Yugi replied as he continued to concentrate, he just really wanted to read something.

"No!" Tea exclaimed, "You could easily turn on us!"

Yugi looked at her, feeling hurt by those words. "O-Oh..." he then looked away, wondering if he could ever gain there trust back.

"Yuge, we know you won't hurt us." Joey said gently as he shot a glare towards Tea, "You're too kind."

"I guess." Yugi said in a soft voice, "I'm feeling a little tired, I'm going to nap." he then laid down and listened to his friends leave, it was at that moment he found out what is power was.

"Tea, he isn't some animal." Joey stated, "He's our friend."

"I know Joey." Tea replied, "I'm sorry, maybe he can be trusted...maybe he can see the sun again..." She was lying. He'd never see the sun again if she had anything to say about it, but Yugi understood. She just needed to trust him. It didn't take long after for Yugi to fall asleep, dreaming of the good times they used to have.

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