Chapter 5

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Yugi huffed as he collapsed against Joey, he had used up a lot of power keeping the guards at bay and now most of them lay dead or injured. He was carefully picked up by Joey and was rushed towards the exit. Yugi could hear a car pulling up and Tristan begging for them to hurry. He tucked his head into Joey's neck and relaxed a little, only to be startled by maniacal laughter. Joey stopped and put his friend down, then stood in front of him protectively. To their surprised, Tea walked towards them from the mass of dead bodies strewn about, she had a cruel smile plastered on her face. Yugi noticed the gun she was reaching for and he was quick to shove Joey out of the way, then he heard it, multiple bangs of a gun and felt a searing pain fill his body. Joey caught Yugi as he was about to collapse, the wounds were slow to heal.

"Joey, why not join me?" Tea smirked, "We can end these freaks once and for all."

"He's our friend!" Joey snapped at her in fury.

"He's a monster!" Tea snapped with venom. "They all are!" She raised the gun and pointed it towards Joey, she was startled when Yugi began to scream, then backed away as flames started to surround him. Tea ran away, deciding it was best for her to not attack him at the moment, she'd rather live another day.

As the flames began to catch the place on fire, Joey sat there and held Yugi protectively, unwilling to abandon his friend. "Yugi, it's going to be okay." Joey spoke in a gentle voice, "I've got you, I'm right here." He lifted his friend and began walking towards the exit, deciding that if he died then at least he died trying to save his best friend. "We're almost there Yuge, we're going home." Yugi knew it was a partial lie. They were nearing the exit, but as Yugi calmed down and looked around, he noticed the building was barely holding up. Using the last of his strength, he was quick to switch places and grab Joey and rush out of the building as fast as he could, tripping on the way out and dropping his friend in the process. Tristan and Duke approached them with the doctor and driver, Seto had also sent in a few guards. As Joey sat up, he noticed Yugi on the ground and rushed towards him, they watched as the vampire slowly closed his eyes and entered a comatose state, the building collapsed behind him.

A guard picked Yugi up and took him to the limo, he was followed by the two other guards, Yugi's friends, and the doctor. Once inside the doctor did his best to help them all, it would be a while before they reached the mansion. Joey held Yugi's hand and they waited patiently, once they arrived the three saw Mokuba and Seto waiting in front of the mansion. They got out and Joey grabbed Yugi, then they headed towards the brothers. Seto frowned when he gazed upon the young vampire and his friends, then turned and headed inside without a word. Mokuba followed along with the others and they were led into a hallway with four bedrooms.

Seto entered the room closest to the front door which held medical items and a fridge. "Mokuba, set up the feeding tube." Seto instructed, "Don't let a drop of blood spill, alright?"

"Okay Seto." Mokuba smiled brightly, he then turned to the other three humans in the room, "Go lay Yugi down, it's normal for us to go into comas when we use up more energy than we have."

"He'll survive?" Joseph asked in a saddened tone as he laid Yugi down on the bed, he then covered up his friend and sat down at his side, holding his hand. "You better survive Yuge."

Mokuba frowned and sighed, then he walked around and grabbed the things he needed, a blood bag and a feeding tube. He returned to Yugi and put the tube down his throat, then attached it to the bag and hung it up on a nearby IV stand. "He'll be fine Joey, he's just hungry and tired...and hurt..." Five people watched Yugi with concern and hope as a few unseen wounds began to heal, it was difficult to keep their faith that he'd survive after a betrayal like that. They waited for as long as they could before they went to do their own thing.

Seto returned to work, using his laptop at home in case anything happened.

Mokuba went to watch tv at a low volume in his room, he was listening for any disturbances around their home.

Tristan, Duke, and Joey were getting checked out by the doctor, they thought about how to repay Yugi for everything he's done for them. Yugi had befriended them all even though they were jerks, he loved them through thick and thin, he deserved all the love and kindness they could give him.

Once finished, Joey returned to Yugi's side to wait out however long it took for his best friend to wake up again.

Duke explored the mansion, mapping out all possible escape routes and hiding locations in case they were to ever be attacked.

Tristan went to the kitchen, he was too hungry at that moment, on his way there he stopped by an open door and noticed Seto working hard and taking notes, he then realized the CEO was looking into best types of blood to feed a vampire. Tristan frowned and decided since he was the guest, he should be a little polite, especially since the eldest Kaiba brother had saved them and was helping Yugi. He knocked on the door and watched as the man tiredly looked towards him.

"What do you need?" Seto asked as he set his laptop aside and got up, he was a little confused about the other wanting to talk to him.

"Thanks again, for letting us stay." Tristan replied, "We would probably be dead without you."

"No problem." Seto acknowledged, "I'll be expecting you to help out with chores though."

"Fine, but can we leave Joey be? He's the closest to Yugi." Tristan folded his arms, "He would hate leaving Yuge's side while he's in a coma."

"Alright, as long as he helps once Yugi has healed." Seto agreed, "He'll make a full recovery, he just needs time."

"I hope so, he's important to us." Tristan smiled softly, he then headed off and resumed his mission of getting food. He made himself a grilled cheese sandwich, then did the dishes and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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