Chapter 19

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Elaine and Benjamin walked at a leisurely pace around the outside of the Columbia campus and got to Morningside Park after most of the crowd had gotten there. They could hear the police sirens and the crowd roaring. Elaine tensed up. The fence around the gym construction area was being torn down by demonstrators.

Elaine said, "This crowd makes me nervous."

Elaine and Benjamin were about a yard behind the rest of the protesters. Word was circulating that there was a scuffle between some of the students and the police. Some bulldozers went on and then it was harder to hear what was going on. They did hear that a student was arrested.

Elaine and Benjamin saw that a large part of the crowd was heading back to the University campus.

Elaine said, "I'm afraid of a riot here and I don't want to be held responsible for tearing down the fence. Why don't we go to the south entrance and see what is happening at the sundial from a distance?"

Benjamin agreed.

Elaine was still anxious as they went back to the main campus from the south and approached the walkway where the sundial was located. Hundreds of people were in front of it. Elaine couldn't see the counter-protesters from where they were. The demonstrators made a lot of noise. Fists pumped in the air.

Elaine smelled some sweet smoke as she and Benjamin were soon surrounded by other students coming back to the campus from the gym site. Elaine just stepped back when a joint was passed to her. Benjamin also demurred and took Elaine's hand, which was damp with sweat, and guided her back from the crowd.

Then there were several protesters who said, "We've taken over the Hamilton Building! The acting dean and the chief security officer are hostages!" The people near Elaine and Benjamin expressed elation with whoops and exclamations.

Elaine looked to Benjamin with startled eyes, "I didn't expect anything like this. I'm afraid of this crowd. It's too much for me, too riotous. I don't want any part of it. I'm going back to my dorm."

Benjamin said, "Okay, I understand. I'll walk you back to the Barnard Campus."

As they walked across Broadway, Elaine was near tears and said, "It's not that I'm not against the war, or the segregated gym on public property, or IDA. It's just that I don't like riotous crowds, and taking hostages is wrong."

Benjamin said, "I know. You are one of the most idealistic people I've ever met."

"But how can I be idealistic and still go to this university?"

"You showed up for the demonstration. The crowds must mean something to the administration."

"But I'm going to go to class this afternoon. Is that bad of me?"

"That's what you signed up for and are paying tuition for. Going to class sounds entirely reasonable to me."

They were at the front gate of the Barnard College campus.

Benjamin said, "Could I call you? Maybe we could do something together on Saturday."

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea."

Benjamin kissed Elaine on the cheek before they parted.

Love Or LiberationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora