Chapter one

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It's been days since I , the only, Joey wheeler was kicked out of my one home. Not that it was bad, I mean...yug could let me spend a couple nights. That's just the kind of person he is. But, that's not the problem. At school I thought I would be able to escape the pain of my friends. My friend, Tristan, always helped when he could. Hell he isn't even a good secret holder yet he hasn't slipped up on telling everyone my secret...even after Kaiba beat him and hurt him for the tiny bit of information I don't want shared.

Now who's kaiba? Well he's a stuck up rich prick from school. Always mentally harassing me, calling me mutt, poor, and other things to hurt my pride. Hell I bet if he even knew that I was abused he'd still continue with his smart ass remarks. I hate his guts with all my heart, yet every time he 'used' to get close I would heat up.

{Today, 9/24/~ time: 9:00Am, second class of the day, science.}

Pov: Seto Kaiba.

The mutt...he seems to be lost. I used to pick on him and see a fire scorch in his eyes. Lately for the past two weeks his eyes and attitude have gotten weaker. The will of anything left to the pup seems gone. Even life and anger. Once beautiful brown honey suckle eyes are now dim and lifeless. In class he doesn't work anymore getting a zero on almost every paper. I tried contacting his father just to be told his son was kicked out for not haven't a job. No wonder, the mutt can't do a dam thing correct, yet I feel like something is off. One thing I've noticed that all of his friends other than Tristan is that joey always has worn a jacket and long sleeves. I had to see what it was for but the thick headed Tristan Taylor wouldn't tell me. I would force his sleeves down but something tells me I shouldn't, maybe he has a weapon. Or maybe I'm just over reacting and the mutt will be normal in days. Sadly, which a rare word in my vocabulary, the pup only got worse. First by rarely even showing up to ignoring his friends. And people say I'm harsh.

Third person pov: Seto, Joey

Joey was walking along the school hall, taking his time to get to class, for the bell already rung, ten minutes ago to he exact.
In that moment the cold as ice but as feroius as fire Ceo of Kaiba corporation walked purposely into the blond
"Gah what in the hell money bags, watch where your going dick head."

"It was you, wheeler, who ran into me. Now keep barking like the dog you are and go along"
Joey didn't respond, but he didn't leave either. Though, there was no fire in his eyes, only hate and distaste
"Whateva money bags I have to go anyway.'
The blond then went back to normal business and started his slow walk towards the home room of school hell. Well if the brunet kiaba didn't grab his wrist forcefully and rip his jacket half way to Mars
"gah! What the fuck kaiba! Just when I figured out to stitch it right!"
" Wheeler, what is this? You sad pathetic excuse of a human, are you trying to act tough to get a girl? If so I don't think dogs can."
The CEO hoped his taunting would spark a fire, a hate, or something in the blond! But alas, no it did not. Well except for a strong punch to the ribs, and a quick turn of blue
"No, as a matta' of fact it ain't, but unlike ya money bags I ain't gotta good life. Now stop pokin' into mine because I'm not poking into yours!"
The two never saw each other the rest of the school day, or the next. Hell not even the geek squad seemed to care. Well, a certain black Raven haired kid did. During the middle of the night, when Seto was known to be the most responding. The younger kaiba poked his head into the Brunet's study room
"S-Seto, I have a question."
"Mokuba, it's late, go to bed. Now"
"I-its just one question big brother! Then I'll go to bed! I promise!"
A sigh escaped his pale lips, but a nod did take place
"I was wondering about Joey...I haven't seen him lately. Did he move away or something?"
Did he? No, the mutt was too poor. Then again, if he did the geeks would be raving over it. But...even the mighty Seto kaiba didn't know how to answer. For, he didn't even know himself
"I don't know go to bed. We can discuss this tomorrow, understand?"
"Alright, night big brother."

8:00 Am, Downtown Domino

Joey sat groggily on the bench right outside of work. He had been working the hours away to escape pain. When not though he sought out comfort or food or even sleep. God...was life so unforgiving? For Joey. Yes, yes it was.

I hope you will all enjoy this story better. Not only is, well, better at being edited. But it's worded better, longer, and going to just be much greater than Realization. The only problem is School and lack of internet. But the good thing is, all I have anymore is writing time do yeah, it's gonna be better. Faster updates, and again longer. See ya on a red eyes- the one and only Joey wheeler.

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