Chapter 4

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Ey, so ya stuck around for round 4 eh? Well then congrats! You've found the most shitty puppyshiping story! Your reward? Nothin' so I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Now, as normal I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, and this chapter is a bit special. I won't spoil it.

Joey had followed a man with a deep blue suit. From what Mr money bags said his name is Rolan. Also known as his and mokubas most trusted assistant.

"Here you are Mr. Wheeler, your very own room in kaibas residence. Please try not to ruin the carpet, millisa will end up flipping."
A bead of sweat threatened to overtake Roland
" any chance is Milissa that girl from the speaker outside?"
Joey asked fearing the worst
" if you need help getting around mokuba is this door here," Roland pointed across the hall to a green door with hamburger monster (can't remember it's name) and blue eyes etched into it.
"And kaibas is on your right two doors down. I'll have millisa bring up some food."
With that he left, and Joey went in.

The room...was better than he imagined. Twice the size of his apartment too. On the far left sat a king sized bed with a oak frame and blood red silk sheets and pillows. Next to it sat a nightstand which held a lamp and phone charger, next to the charger was a box containing a new phone. Across the room sat a large sleek black desk like kaibas with a laptop on top. Against the side wall was a large dresser with a mirror. Finally on the final remaining  wall there was two doors, one lead to a white polished and large bathroom and the other a closet containing shoes, other chargers, a NES system, and Joey's school uniform.

"Like what you see pup?"
Kaiba had entered unnanoucued and scared the living daylights out of Joey, but he didn't act like it.

"Eh, a bit much but yeah I like what I see. Definitely like the bed."
"Good good, well if you need me I'll be in my office. But, I'm sure a mutt needs rest after a long day. Night wheeler."
Joey almost retorted but didn't, instead he replied with night and waited for the elder kaiba to leave. Once safe he locked the door undressed and slipped into bed.
Joey was running, his father not far behind. And then? He was falling, straight into a dark red hole. Mariks rod inches from his face, as if he was still in control. Next thing he knew, the blond was in yugis room while not only he- but all his friends and kaiba laughed at him. A leash was placed on his neck and the scenery changed. Now the Brooklyn duelist was sitting almost nude in a cage. Surrounded by laughing people, in the crowd stood Seto, looking disgusted.

{End of crappy dream}

Joey woke up in cold sweat, the clock read five am...two hours before he needed to get ready for class.
"Aw jeez I hate nightmares."
He couldn't fall back asleep, so the male took action and went to the bathroom. Splashing freezing cold water across his face before dressing as if going for a walk. Which he did, well around the mansion. Yet, only five minutes passed untill kaiba slipped a hand around the blonds waist. Insuring a yelp from the blond
"Gah! Why are ya' up so early kaiba?"
Joey turned to face the rich fu- I mean money bags. A bright blush growing on his cheeks as if douced in makeup.
"I could ask the same thing puppy, but for my reasoning? I have a job, what about you wheeler?"
Seto had a triumphing smirk, as well as a twinkle in his eye of understanding.
" was a nightmare. But I ain't gonna go into detail! So don't even try askin'!"
Joey pulled away and dug his hands into his pants pockets.
"Hmph, well your lucky pup. School was canceled today. Yet I didn't your small brain would have told you to check your cheap phone."
It took more than a few seconds for this to register.
" school? Today? Ah hell yeah! Wait why?!"
Joey asked staring at the elder kaiba
"Too many teachers came down sick and not enough substitutes could make it. So you get to spend the day with me. Enchanting isn't it? Getting the taste of a billionaire lifestyle?"
Kaiba was boosting his ego as he pulled the mutt to his chest
"You may as well head back to sleep then my puppy..yes in my room too. It's more comfortable, trust me. Now if you inquire my assistance, Roland hopefully will be able to direct you towards my catacombs of study rooms."

Hours passed, Joey never left to go see kaiba. And as well didn't sleep. Instead he got on his phone, plugged in earphones, and rocked out to black veil brides. Then, Hollywood undead, and cult to follow, Volbeat, mushroom heads, epic rock, etc....for a very very long time.
"I am a lion and I wa-"
A loud knock and opening of his door revealed to mokuba, laughing at Joey who was sitting on his bed head banging when one earbud popped out.
"Oi, what is it mokie?"
Joey turned off his songs and turned to face the kid
"Kaiba wants you to come down to breakfast. Said you haven't ate yet, he was surprised that you didn't raid the fridge like a dog."
Joeys eye twitched and mokuba tilted his head.
"What's wrong Joey? Did I say something bad? Is something in my teeth or hair?"

{Bit shorter, not by much though. Now lets all talk business for a minute. As you may know, I don't have internet so I highly in courage to comment. I will reply from Monday though Friday. Also, I need a few ideas. Other than that please continue to enjoy these stories I create. Most of the time I don't think them through so I never even think of publishing them. Like the three I want to but can't...yet at least. Sorry for taking up time, but I just can't express my...happiness yeah, happiness. Something I come across rarely. Well, goodbye and may you use 'accio' accordingly. }

The one and only- Joey wheeler!
See ya later on the back of a red eyes!

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