Chapter 6

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Oiiiii, thanks for sticking to this bad story!~ I don't have much to say other than that I made kaiba sound like a Yandere by him calling Joey his possession...eheh...

A few days later. (I heard the fucking SpongeBob voice when writing that.)

Ever since the dream, kaiba had been acting more kind towards Joey and mokuba as a way to help cope with whatever was happening to the pup.
See, Joey has been having nightmares every time he's fallen asleep, about marik and what he thinks should have happened.
If kaiba wasn't so stubborn he would have gotten Joey therapy session with a professional. But, who thinks that a dead evil guy from long ago could haunt someone's dreams? Exactly none.

Joey stood stock still, he was in the kaibas mansion, and it's been two full days since he last fell asleep. He's been living off coffee, a drink he used to not care for, but now it seems to be his last line of defense.
"Maybe I should've just lost....wait! Maybe Yugi would have a way to fix this, he's all into that old eqyptian type stuff!"
Slipping on his sneakers the blond bounded out of the mansion with a new found energy, that lasted for a minute, and then he went back and had mokuba get a limo to take him. TwT how sad.
(/////a few minutes later//////)
Joey was on Yugi's bed, he had just completed his explanation on what the fuck has been tearing up his life. And Yugi was happy that he look toward him for help, but still felt bad.
"I think we need to find your past self Jounachi, maybe that will end up helping you? But I'm not sure where to start. Maybe kaiba could have someone try and find a old Jounachi Katsuya artifact?"
Joey was nodding his head frantically, anything was fine aslong as he got his one time companion since birth back, the sweet release of sleep.
"Alright, I'll call em...wait why don't you just call that girl with da' necklace? Wouldn't she just know? Yeah the ishstar girl..."
Yugi tilted his head, and almost laughed at his friends behavior
"Jo, just because you think Marik's back doesn't mean ishizu is." (I'm not sure if I spelt it right, I don't have internet to check it! T~T)
Joey nodded in defeat and got up to leave, right when a sleek black limo pulled up to the small shop. On the side and license plate was a blue KC symbol
"Welp, das' ma ride yug', thanks for tha' help I appreciate it bud."
Joey stood up and Yugi smiled happily at his friends appreciation, which became more and more rare as they aged.
"It's fine Jounachi! We're friends, so of course I'll help. We all got your back."
The blond made a weird face and sighed nodding. Out of all he knew, Joey only trusted a few people with things like this. Yugi, kaiba, mokuba, and his bestest pal that will be added later in the story for the plot, Tristan Taylor (or Honda for  those educated folks like me)
"So just call anytime, alright?"
"Yea, I'll call. See ya later"
With that he left to a waiting kaiba, who simply pulled him into a tight hug once in the backseat of the limo. This was unexpected but amazing. To Joey, kaiba smelt like author sans heaven (sorry qwq)
As in peppermint (best shit~), vanilla, and his brand new Apollo axe spray. (Also best shit, only good one i like for those who want to know me, eheheheh....I'm weird.)
Blue eyes met honey brown hazel ones, and Joey felt his eyelids heavy as he drifted into his first ever peaceful session of sleep. All because of kaiba, his knight in shining armor.

Joey woke up in bed, a smell from close by intrigued him, and he found himself turning over to a half nude Seto kaiba, who was currently holding Joey close to his bare chest. It took all of Joey's will to not have a nose bleed right then and there.
"You can stop fan-girling wheeler, just touch it already and get your head out of the clouds."
His voice shocked Jounachi, so in return he did kiss kaibas chest, yes...but he bit his nipple.
"Gah! Dammit mutt, what the hell?"
Joey was shoved off the bed by a now angry blue devil, but his laughter just grew when he got a glimpse of kaibas hair. Now he knew kaiba liked it's style in all, but really? He even has it done while sleeping. Not a single hair was out of place.
"Ha, ha, notin' koiba. It's just ya hair. How da fuck is it always styled like that"
Kaiba stood up and started dressing, showing off his amazing body towards the mutt.
"It's a professional priority so it's always done perfectly."
Joey nodded and stood up, give his back a satisfactory crack.
"Either dat' or your hair gel is just still in it."
This time the  CEO chuckled, getting a glimpse at Joey's tangled hair that was matted down
"Don't judge my hair since yours even isn't done. Oh and get out of my room. We may get together but I still have work. Mokubas downstairs anyway wanting to play mind engrossed games."

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{•√•}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {read below! ¶its not important∆}

I'ma stop right dere' since I don't know many games. I'm not a gamer sadly unless it's yugioh or something like dat' all I do is draw things and binge watch anime I download
Also I have no clue about hair and all that shit. I'm a guy, when I wake up however my hair is, is how it stays. The only thing I do is brush aside my bangs when they get in my eyes- (which is often)

Now other dan' that I've been thinking of changing my account to being a Rex raptor account, also making a Rex Raptor story!
Also if anyone plays duel links that I challenge ya! Nyeh, (I haven't played for a long time so you'll win, and I mean pre-5d's update.)

See ya later on the back of a red eyes~
Jounachi Katsuya! (Joey wheeler)

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