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I kinda want to make a story about Yami and Yugi, or rather, should I do a ship from a different anime? I'll let whoever comes to this decide!

(My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh ships by the way are Yugi and Yami, Joey and kaiba, tea and Yugi, Marik and bakura, rex and weevil, and Moto and his cards lol)

Also for ships i do know about from other animes that I like would be

Tokoyami and Tsuyu

Todokori and Deku

And silver x gold! (Yep! From Pokemon gold, silver, and Crystal, the best Pokemon game to ever fucking exist and I can't be told otherwise)

Rin (from blue exorcist, one of my three favorite animes) and that lady with red/yellow hair. (Haven't watched it in a loooooooong time)

Asta and the water magic lady (kill me for my forgetfulness, black clover is one of my favorites)

And the best ship of all time

Vegeta x Bulma (fuuuuuuuuck yes!)

The best anime in my opinion would be Yu-Gi-Oh for the fact it was the first I ever watched, and I've been a fan since I was 3!

For best anime character

I would say either

Joey Wheeler

Rex raptor


Or Rin (from Blue exorcist)

Other animes your favorite author likes include

monster museum (I know it's wrong but I don't know how to spell it and I'm lazy)

Yokai watch

This anime with a robot cat from the future who helps this boy with life's problems (starts with a d or a b)

Dragon Ball,

One piece


Pokemon (to a degree, love the games though, team skull is best, or rocket)

And alot more I'm not willing to list because crunchy roll is being a bitch and not loading right!



See you all on the back from the back of a red eyes!

Da' one!

Tha' only

Joey katsuya wheeler!

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