Chapter 7

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Ey! It beith the best story teller alive! Joey wheeler! And welcome to another crappy chapter! Eheheh~ otha' than that I must say enjoy!

××××××××Dark Depressional chapter warning×××××××

The blond had done it.
As if for what he did? Who knows...
But currently as he could see, the floor was tilting ...left right, left right, the occasional forward...and it was hard to breathe. Infront of the student was kaiba. Who seemed to stare but it wasn't full of warmth that he was now used to when directed at him. As the flow of new air seemed to cease, so did his vision. Black spots began to fill his vision and kaiba slowly disappeared.
But Joey didn't.
When he woke up the next day in bed. He never breathed a word towards kaiba.
'He doesn't need to worry about me any way...'
The blond thought as he slipped out of bed and into the bathroom. He fumbled around in his drawer under the sink for his long lost friend. One he hasn't seen since marik took over his body. As he stared, his eyes changed. They got much darker, and a shadow formed over his eyes. {Y'all know what that means-}
Slowly, Joey dug the blade into his wrist, it hurt like absolute fuckery but he never made a sound. As it went lower, tears that built up began to flow down his cheeks. He continued this untill it almost reached the crevasse of his elbow. Quickly with a piece of toilet paper (with the ever present KC logo-) he wiped away the blood. The cut wasn't deep enough for sticking, so he simply wrapped it up. And it anyone asked he would just say he's fine, and play it off as bad bruises.
Just then, a knock startled him, making the razor fall into the sink. With haste he put it away and washed as much blood that he could from the sink before opening the door.
Infront of him stood kaiba. His blue eyes scanning joey, he saw the bandages and then checked the sink. It had a slight pink tint in the white tile. Next was the floor, red drops dotted the white and black tiles right infront of the sink
He looked into the honey suckle eyes that belonged to Jounachi. And in return he stared back. Blushing a light pink from the gaze.
"What is it koiba? And wat do ya need?"
Kaiba growled at his rudeness but ended up sighing. From behind him he pulled out a blue jacket and white shirt. He had ordered Joey a new school uniform.
"You've been needing a new one Joey..."
His hand stretched forward. Gently stroking his face. With a speed of a viper kaiba had pulled Joey out and brought him to the bed. Kissing and attacking his neck. Eventually leaving a hickey. During this Joey was just a moaning mess.
(If y'all want. Tell me and I'll do a lemon at some point- it'll be shit though since i never wrote one before)
Soon though, all good things end and kaiba pulled away.
"Aw why did ya stop! Hell ya gave me a boner and then just leave it-"
Kaiba silenced him with a kiss and stroked him once, making the Brooklyn duelist blush darkly
"We have school idiot. And I don't want you to not have the ability of self transportation, also know as walking to you. Now, meet me downstairs in five or else I'm leaving you here."
Joey sighed and got up as kaiba left. His gaze dropping low. When the brunet reached the door before speaking again.
"Also cut yourself again and I'll have to get you hand cuffs, which I'll use in more than one way~"
He departed, and other than his new found red on his cheeks, Joey didn't know how to take that threat as a good or bad thing.


Joey groaned as his head hit the desk, Tristan chuckled softly and patted his back.
"So how did you like your three week vacation? Spent it with kaiba I assume?"
(He sounds too smart to be Tristan- guess I do suck at story's....ha ha nope he's just lucky)
Joey sent him a weak willed glare before nodding. The two were in art class so they had free time for most of the class.
"So Jo, did you ever improve at drawing or do you still suck?"
His friend playfully teased him and Joey retaliated by a small punch to the shoulder.
"No, but still Betta than Yugi."
Tristan nodded, all the tri-colored hair male could draw was stickmen.
Now out of all there friends, Tristan was the best at drawing. Not god like...but still pretty good for a teenager.
"Anyway I'll see ya later Joey, we are planning on heading to the arcade later tonight. All games bought by me of course so don't worry about carrying change!"
Joey grinned and fist bumped his best friend.
"Sounds like a plan man! See ya' later den' I gotta head off to kaiba's first!"
They both nodded, and planned to meet at seven before the teacher came in and they set off to work on drawing dragons for this week. 

Not super long- sorry I get lazy-
But anyway enjoy this! I was too hesitant to make this. But it's here yay I guess?
Well I'll see you all later on the back of the biggest, baddest, coolest, and most badass dragon to ever be imagined. the one with the best deck known to mankind and all yugioh players around. The unbeatable red eyes black dragon!

See you all later on the back of a red eyes-

The one and only Joey Wheeler!

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