Chapter two

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"i'm not admitting to it!" Nico is laughing now. He didn't really need a checkup, but he's been locked in his cabin for three weeks, and the only time I've seen him is when he shadow-travels to the eating hall to grab a plate, and then as soon as he arrives, he shadow travels out. It can't be healthy. "will, you're staring at me." this snaps me out of my daze as fast as if he'd slapped me across the face with a wet fish (it's happened before, don't ask). "I was just thinking."

"about what?"


"tell me before I make you."

"why haven't you come out of your cabin lately?" I blurted it out before I could think, I instantly regretted it. He looks away and mumbles. "what?" I ask, "nothing. can I leave?" I let him go and scold myself for ruining the moment. Nothing good ever lasts. Especially if you're talking about Nico.  I begin to pack away the medical equipment, but am interrupted by the door being slammed open I spin around to be faced by Hazel. "Nico has risen the dead, he didn't mean to and is positively terrified by what he has done, he must have had a lot of mixed emotions. he's raised half of the underworld!" I sprint outside to be met with screaming and dishevelled campers gathering whatever weapons were closest. I spot Nico surrounded by campers screaming at him, there isn't enough shadow for him to shadow-travel, oh my gods he is crying. I run over as fast as I can. Nico di Angelo never cries unless something is really bad. I push through the crowd snatch his hand and run, dragging him behind me. Campers are chasing after us, but we're getting close to the forest. As soon as we step into the shadows  I can feel my body being pulled in every direction its cold and dark. He must've shadow-travelled. Being a son of the sun-god Apollo, I hate shadow-travelling. After what seems like an eternity we come to a stop in some sort of garden. Nico collapses. We must've gone far.  I drop to my knees and feed him some ambrosia, ( I always keep some handy in case of an emergency, which this obviously was )  After the longest 6 minutes of my life he sits up coughing and spluttering. "where are we?" I ask. "Italy. I shadow-travelled to my home town, the last place I remember feeling safe." I engulf him in a hug, I hate everyone at camp for doing this to him. Those anaemic losers don't know anything about Nico. 

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