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Love is a bullshit. Everybody knows that, but still wants it. There are two types of love in this world: 

1) Just Love

2) True Love

Just love is what most people gets. They fall for someone, they kiss, have know what I'm talking 'bout, and then they break up or cheat. WTF, right?

Well, that's just some crap of the 'Love' types. But, there is another love called, TRUE LOVE. Very rare, unspecific, half-bullshit, mysterious and bitchy. It's another shit from the 'Love' types, but it's different from 'Just Love'. 

Why? Well, it's hard to define. Let's just say, it's a secret. Or more precisely, a NEVER-ENDING STORY. True love isn't something you can find anywhere in this fucking world. Not like you'll find it in your regular bar or school or any bullshit special place. That's because it isn't some treasure, it's a mess. You cannot find it, but it can find you. Will find you if you dream of it. 

To find 'Just Love', you'd have to do some flirt and kiss and then the result will mostly end in tears. However, in 'True Love', it'll start with some tears, then more sadness, then some shits, then some hard times...but the result will be UNEXPLAINABLE. When you'll start to enter this path, you'll feel like you're nothing more than a shitbag and that you'll never find true love. But if you still don't give up, then congratulations, 'cause it's gonna be the best thing you've ever done. And then I don't think you'll ever need to go through tears and hardships alone, you'll have your partner who'll fight for you. 

That's because he will love you more than he'll love anything. And another thing, True Love mostly happens because of people like you. If you've read this, that means you're searching for your LOVE, right? 

Well, I can guarantee you, you'll find your love. It just happens which type you want: Just Love or True Love...


Vote, Feedback, Share if you feel it's true. And if you need a 'love expert' then follow me and message me. If I can write my heart's thoughts, I'm sure I can give you a piece of advice about love. 

The Love Expert never lies. 'Cause love is the thing that you live for. And you're the thing love waits for...

First Chapter will be out soon. Bye♥

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