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I wake up with the loud rock music cranking in my ears. I find Jax sitting on my desk, laughing. "What the heck_?" I cry, poking my head under the pillow. 

Jax is my stupidest 'frenemy'. Frenemy = Friend + Enemy. Which means, he's my half-buddy and half-foe. But yeah, we're a pretty good team...when we're in good mood. When I'm in a good mood, to be specific.

He lifts the pillow and tickles me. "What're...you...doing, STOP!" I laugh. 

"Look at the time, sleeping 'ugly'. You're gonna be late for school if you don't get dressed in fifteen minutes," he giggles. I look at the alarm clock and my eyes widen. If I'm late today, I'll miss my chance of flirting Mr Cutie, Dexter! 

Who's Dexter? Dexter Flinn is my forever-been-crush. I just wish he'd ask me for the spring dance this year. I WANNA GET HIM SO BAD!!!

I rush to the bathroom and take a quick bath. "Jax, towel!" I shout to Jax, as usual. I don't really have my sense of taking the towel with me when I go for a bath. I feel weird with a towel hanging in the hanger, watching me naked...

He throws me the towel through the little slit between the door that I opened to ask for the towel. I wrap it around and come out. "Fuck, get your butt outta here, Jax. I gotta dress up!" I wail seeing Jax still in my room. 

"Okay, okay," he sighs as he leaves the room. I close the door and change myself into the cutie, future Mrs Flinn. I puff some powder and run out of the room. I slide down the staircase, which is another thing that I do everyday. I mean, why do you need to walk down the stairs, wasting your energy, when you can slide down it?! Yeah, you can say I'm a lazy swine.

"Bee, whatcha told you 'bout sliding down the stairs?" my mom starts scolding. "It's not healthy for your health, Bee!" 

I giggle, "Healthy for your health?! Mom, don't be such a crow, kaw-kawing all the time!" 

"Look at Jax, such a good boy. Why can't ya be like him?" she rolls her eyes and goes into the kitchen. I kick Jax under the table; he kicks back. Mom returns to the room with our breakfast. I take one bite and let go a deep moan, "It's delicious...!"

Mom pats on my back, "Jax made it, sweetheart."

I kick Jax harder and lift my legs on the chair before he could kick back. "Eww, it's awful!" I wail, regretting at the thought of not being to be able to take another bite with this pretend. But Jax burst into a giggle, "Oh please, ya know you're gonna regret this if ya don't eat it!"

I laugh myself and gobble the food like a hungry monster. After we had finished, mom kissed me goodbye and we left. I glide into the road with my skateboard. We both skateboard-race to school. 

♥Jax ♥

"Catch!" Beatrix shrieks as she hurls her skateboard to me. We aren't supposed to take outside stuffs to school. So when we reach school, we hide our skateboards between the leaves of the Cherry Blossom tree, just beside the school entrance. 

We walk inside the gate and I point Mr style-boy, Dexter, bragging about girls. "Looks like your hubby's bragging again!" I sigh to Beatrix. But before I could even laugh, she had already got beside his perfect body. I grin and go to the class. Bee's the stupidest frenemy I could ever get. And that's what makes her my half-buddy. I kinda don't remember why we're only half-buddies and half-foes. But again, we do are awkward people. 

"Hey, J!" somebody calls my name. I turn around to find Cason waving to me. He runs to me and we walk together to school. He looks at Beatrix and then back to me. "Looks like Bee's with Mr styler again. Aren't you gonna kick his bullshit butt for that?" he asks, playfully.

"For what, having Bee around him? Nah, I'm just gonna let those play their Romeo-Juliet drama. Why'd you think that?" I look at him and he gives me a smirk.

"Cause ya love her?!" 

"Love her? Eww, that'd be disgusting. Anyways, we had already promised each other that none of us would ever fall for each other. That was the deal. That is the deal."

"Uh, you suck, man! I mean c'mon, look at her body! She has those beautiful curves, pretty, glossy lips and two sexy leg-piece!" he exclaims. 

I glare at him, awkwardly. "Sexy? She's like an ugly weirdo to me! Anyways, if ya love her so much, then ask her for the dance!" I pat him on the shoulder. 

"Nah, I just found out I'm more interested in boys than girls."

"You mean you're_"

"Gay? Yup, that's who I am, baby!" he cuts me off. "Of talking which, are you gay too? I mean, I've a big bed for both of us..."

He descends his hands towards my ass. I walk a little faster and reach to class before him. He's so awkward!!!

Bee enters the classroom a few minutes later. She sits in her seat, which is between mine and Dexter's. The teachers come and go and the whole time, Bee's been doing what she always does: Flirting Mr Style-boy. 

After school gets over, we go to the ice-cream shop as usual. "One butterscotch and a mango, please," I ask for the ice-creams and hand the money to the counter. We sit on the huge Cherry Blossom tree behind the hill and enjoy the cool ice-creams.

"Wanna lick mine?" I ask to her. She nods, "Of course, you can lick mine too!"

We taste each other's ice-creams and laugh at various topics. That's when a weird topic is started, "Have you ever kissed a girl?"

Beatrix repeats again. "No, why?" I reply. 

"Just asking. Why haven't you kissed, anyway?" 

"Looking for True love, I guess. Have ya kissed some boy?" 


"So would you kiss Dexter if you both ever be together?" 

"Maybe not."

"Not? Why, I thought you said you were_"

"Just finding my real lover, maybe." She cuts me off, like Cason in the morning.

"Why're we even talking about this, anyway?" 

She shrugs, "I don't know!" We finish our ice-creams and head for home. I drop her by her house. "Bye, monster!" I laugh. She laughs, and coincidentally a cool breeze gushes her hair. It was sunset, and that moment looked so beautiful. 

She looked just like an angel. I couldn't but whisper, "Wow..."

"Said something?" she grins at me. I shook my head. She leans closer and wipes off a little ice-cream that was on my lips. Her fingers moved like a feather over my lips. We kept on staring at each other for some time, and nobody moved. That was, until Bee's mom called her name. 

"Bye. Jax." She pulls herself towards her house. I wave at her, blushing. She gives me an elegant smile and goes inside. 

It was kinda weird, but also beautiful. It was like we were in some kinda....LOVE STORY...

I close the door as I step inside my home. 


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