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      What did I do to deserve this? Here I am trapped in this room hoping my true love will come. I have lived like this for one year. My love comes and stays with me, she plays with me, sometimes she finds a way and a time to take me outside.

But now she has left me. At first I paced, I screamed. Shouting her name as loud as possible. For all the ears in the country to hear, to wake all who slept so they would know my pain. To reach her and make her come back. If she heard I can now say, she did not care.

Time passed and I recalled the last time I saw her. The way she closed the door behind her without saying goodbye. The sound of her paces walking away. I would always believe that she did not want me to understand. To keep me from stopping her, because she had made a choice . A choice that was not me.

Now she is gone and she is never coming back. I must accept that it is my fault. That I wasn't enough for her, I was too much responsibility, too much cuteness. I understood now, she is the one who will never understand the pain of being left by the most loved one. 

But nevertheless I would only remember the nicest memories with her. The way we...

 WhAt Is ThAt SoUnD!? Is it coming from the door?

I scratched the door to make her know I was awaiting  her. I turned around in happiness. When she stepped in I kissed her feet showing my admiration. Relief pumping in my blood. She was back! She opened her mouth and said the words I was waiting for:

"Did you miss me?" OH YES YES YES I DID. I pivoted around my self and ran around her, the only way to express my love towards her. 

She moved her hands towards me. Here came my favourite part.

"Who's a good boy? Oh you're a good boy!" She said as she pet me. My love was back and she had not forgotten me.



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