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your lips dancing with mine as if they're joined together,
my breath stuck in my throat like I'm an incessant smoker

the gift of love
the hell of lust

we lay in the fire having only each other
like I'm in the clouds but I have no power

I pull your hair, you hold me down

your eyes change as you explore my faults
I feel okay, because you love them all
your hands change as they handle my edges
roses sprout out from the back of my throat

you stare at me
putting my puzzle together,
and that moment whispers, you're all I need

then comes the part that I become detached.

floating away deep into space

where I'm forced to roam and move my limbs
I watch the snow around me
imprinting, turning into an angel

open my eyes and,
my head pounds and,
my stomach churns but

the leaves lay down and soak their cut edges in the soft mud of tomorrow

I want someone to use me,
only one definite someone

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