do not ignore this chapt unless you want to

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Taylor still hasn't responded about me telling him I like him on ROBLOX. He hasn't checked it. I didn't tell you this before but he always shows signs that he might like me ex. Pointing his toes at me, leaning forward when talking to me, looking at me (I catch his gaze sometimes), completely looking at me when he is talking/I am talking etc. Those are all scientific signs soneone might like you. So it may or may not be mutual. He only talks to other girls when I'm around, or if I'm in earshot. He still talks to me more. But he still could like someone else. I mean he hugs a lot... Wait, what am I thinking he also hugs me a lot. Me is being paranoid 🙄.
Sonnet:Crushing much?
Me: yes Sonnet. Don't worry, you'll understand that soon.

Sonnet is my ducksona. It's like a trollsona which is like a persona.

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