Updating cause i haven't recently.

14 1 5

Today was not great.....
I barely got any work done, my brother might be going  to a mental hospital,And today I was so scared about getting rejected or something, I avoided Taylor. Today was a Monday. That's  pizza day at our school. I didn't  even give him  the crust I usually rip off my pizza because  I eat pizza weird. I always give him the fricken crust. The guilt made me want to puke.  almost everyone was annoying today too. There were some guys in play rehearsal  that sit by me and they would NOT stop talking during other people's  parts like always and they acted like they were just trying  to annoy me today.

Yesterday, I texted Taylor on Roblox again abut what I said a couple of days ago.
I asked if this made anything awkward between us. He still didn't  respond. Yet everyone still says he likes me.

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