Aida Blackiron

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How she looks and dresses is the image above.

Her semblance, we'll call Warmind due to it's summoning effects being the weird data effect thing from Destiny.

Her semblance, we'll call Warmind due to it's summoning effects being the weird data effect thing from Destiny

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It has three (known) parts/phases.

The first phase, is an always active, passive effect of a strength and speed buff.

The second phase, is where she actually needs to consciously activate it. She can summon the "Valkyrie", the javelin thing that explodes. She also has the ability to teleport, the effect is something like the image.

The third phase, is almost completely unknown to anyone as of now, but we know it exists do to books and other such things.

Aida is a kind, but sarcastic person. Her semblance has a bit of a mind of it's own, and will do anything in it's power over her to make her physically perfect in it's image. It is also hereditary, and has been passed down through her bloodline.

The "Warmind", as we will refer to it as, made Aida at least 6' 4" to 6' 6" as of now. She is freakishly taller than just about everyone she's come across. (Yang's about 5' 8", so Aida towers over her) It also made her, well... attractive, seeing as it's hereditary, it needs it's "host" to be able to effectively reproduce and continue the Warmind's existence. It has been known to be able to change physical characteristics as well, (take that how you will), including, but not limited to: chest size, height, hair color, eye shape, etc.

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