Prologue: Final thoughts...

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Aida lay there, clinging to Pyrrha's almost unconscious body, pleading for her to live. Holding her with one arm protectively, her back facing the new Fall maiden.

Aida's life flashed before her eyes. Her running through a field of flowers with her adoptive sister, her adoptive parents watching from afar, laughing at the two little girls.

Aida watching as her family was ripped to shreds by a masked figure. The dead corpses of her parents in front of her, their mutilated guts and organs exposed.

Aida killing an army of Grimm, with her new found semblance. Blowing up and shredding the creatures as if they were nothing.

Her time at Beacon, the friends she made, the fun times they had beating the White Fang, the dorm parties, and trying to protect Ruby's innocence.

She heard the creaking of a bow string behind her, her last moments finally coming to an end. She cried, sad that she was unable to avenge the only family to love her.

"I'm coming..." She said weakly, barely being heard. Pyrrha was passed out at this point. Aida looked at her friend one last time before letting the darkness take over...

Olive sat against the wall, a massive pool of blood was formed around her. She had lost her most important bet, because she pressed her luck.

She weakly looked at the man standing over her, who held her gun. She tried to move, but she fell to the ground, groaning at the fresh warm pain that enveloped her. "Sshhh. This is going to hurt... a lot. Any last words?" The man mockingly said.

Olive attempted to say something but was too weak to. The man chuckled, and pulled the hammer of the gun back.

Erin knelt on the concrete, her injures would no longer allow her to fight. She thought of how her clan wouldn't have approved of her dying here, but she knew they wouldn't have cared, seeing as they blamed her for the ambush at their camp.

She looked around her, at least ten Beowolves circled her. They eyed her as the moved, wondering if she'd get back up and finish her battle with the Grimm, or if she'd commit Seppuku.

She looked down at her swords and dagger, covered in blood and dulled. Her worst injures gushed blood, leaving a large puddle around her.

She heard a growl as one of the beasts got impatient. It's claws clicked on the ground as it stepped closer to her.

Onyx watched as his life flash before him, his sins and crimes apparent to him. He had messed up and deserved what was coming to him.

He heard the blade unsheathing. His final wish would save someone on his team, so that team OASS would not completely die out.

He closed his eyes, the ghostly bell that signified the wish was granted, rang through the air.

"I'm sorry..." he said silently, as everything cut to black.

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