Chapter Three: Team OASS pt 2

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They ran. It wasn't a good plan but when it shrugged off the bullets and other projectiles they shot at it, it was their only option to run like the Devil was chasing them.

They had made it to a tower like ruins that sat just below the cliffside. They moved to hide behind fallen pillars and other rubble as the eagle Grimm sored over them and perched on an archway. They got a better look at it now.

It had thick plates on it's head and it's chest. It was by far larger than a Nevermore. When it opened it's mouth, a snake like toungue flicked out. It had four eyes with slits in it's head plating for them. When it took off again, the force that it's wings gave off knocked the initiates off their feet and knocked over a few columns.

As it flew away and made it's way back around, the team's thought of a way to kill it. But as they discussed their plans, the creature got tired of waiting, and fired a volley of sharp feathers that could probably tear a truck in half.

They barely dodged them and began firing at the beast once more. But it barely acted like it noticed, only showing they had a small effect because of the force of the explosive fire Dust and Nora's grenade launcher knocking it around a little.

That's when Ruby thought of an idea. "Aida!" She called out, the taller girl turning to her, "I need a Fastball." Even though she hadn't even told her plan to her, Aida understood immediately. Ruby jumped into Aida's arms. Aida took the girl and threw her at the giant bird with speeds that Sonic would be impressed at. Ruby held her scythe behind her, the blade facing outwards. Aida had thrown her slightly off from the bird's neck, allowing Ruby to fly past it's head and severing it's head with the blade.

The force, speed, and the sharp blade cut through it's neck like a hot knife through butter. It sat for a minute, then it's head tumbled off it's neck showering everything in a thick, dark blood. Ruby kept going up, even using her scythe's sniper's recoil to the top of the cliff.

When she finally did reach the top, a shower of rose petals conveniently went fluttering past her. The group looked at her in awe, "Show off." Olive muttered, as they got over their shock and made their way back to the academy, as no longer initiates, but students.

They made their way to Ozpin and handed in their pieces. Glynda and him wrote down what each person turned in and instructed them to go to the amphitheater once more.

Aida and Onyx began talking on their way back, if they were stuck together why not get to know each other, right?

Onyx started, "Do guys always act like that toward you?" He was referring to Juane, who had tore his attention from Weiss to hit on Aida. She of course, rejected him.

She nodded, "It's with just about everyone, really. Not just guys mind you, even girls, even some who I thought were straight too."

Onyx was a little shocked by this, though, he didn't want to be with someone who reminded him of his sis. "I feel sorry, that has to suck."

"You're like, one of the first guys I've talked to who hasn't tried hitting on me." She admitted, "I kind of want to know why too." She looked accusingly at him.

He chuckled nervously, "It's just... you remind me of my sister, a little."

She smiled, "Well, at least it's not because you plan on... let's go with touching me, tonight." She rubbed her arm a little, remembering something not even the readers should know.

Onyx nodded, even more uncomfortable with the situation now more than ever. They eventually made their way to the amphitheater, and took their places. Ozpin announced the teams. You had team CRDL, JNPR, and RWBY to name a few. They were last of course, gaining the name OASS.

The One That LivedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora