Onyx Crystal

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Onyx is a quiet person, mainly because of his past. He regrets the littlest things imaginable, say he says something embarrassing, it'll haunt him for a good few years. Now if that happens to him, imagen what happens when he royally messes up.

Onyx's semblance is time perception, he can control how he perceives time, hence the name. If he slows down his perception, he can easily predict his opponite's next move. If he speeds up his perception, he can wait long hours without the smallest sign of boredom, which makes him particularly good at stakeouts.

He's relatively old for a first year student at Beacon, being 19. He wears a an old t-shirt (that he is very protective of), a black jacket with secret pockets which hold either extra mags for his weapon or throwing knives, and jeans and sneakers.

His weapon is called "Death's Wishes". It's twin sickles attached to each other via chains. The sickles can be turned into dual pistols.

File "Onyx Crystal" complete.

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