Chapter Four: Aida's investigation

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Aida POV

"Ugh! That week felt stupidly long!" Olive said, flopping onto her bed.

"That and Port's class is pointless and excruciating." Onyx added.

"At least he doesn't wink at you creepily." I said, "I mean good Lord! I get no girl would hook up with you but really? Seven-teen year old girls?"

"At least it wasn't at Ruby." Erin put in.

"Yeah, but if did, I would've ripped his nuts off and shove 'em up his-"

Knock knock knock

I stopped mid sentence as a knock came from the door. I looked at my team, them shrugging and saying they weren't expecting anyone. I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Yang with a case of beers with her. "I'm I early?" She asked.

Then it hit us that we were doing a Poker night tonight. Strip poker, of course, that's what the alcohol is for. Then something else hit me, "Shit! I forgot the mini fridge!" And raced out of the room to my locker, where I left a mini fridge because I didn't want to lose it.

After almost running over several students and grabbing the fridge, I came back to find Ruby had decided to join us. I looked at Yang, who was sitting at the card table, "Um, you do realize your sister is here right?" She looked at me and nodded, "and we're going to be drinking and playing strip poker."

She looked at me confused till it finally hit her, "Oh shit! That's right."

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing!" I quickly said before quieting my voice so Ruby couldn't hear, "How much money you got?"

Yang looked at me worried, "Why?"

"Because when we gamble, it's all or nothing, especially with Olive, she plays for keeps." This caused Yang's eyes to widen, realizing she was gonna lose a whole lot more than just a few bucks.

Blake POV (two hours after midnight)

I shot up when I heard a sudden knock on the door. Weiss had also been woken up by it too, "Who could that be at this time?"

I shrugged and climbed out of bed. I walked to the door and opened it to find Aida with bags under her eyes, half naked, and carrying Yang over her shoulder. "Hey, you want your teammate back?" She jokingly whispered, "By the way, she's gonna have a bad hangover in the morning so try not to make too much noise."

I nodded slowly, at least she didn't go to a bar and sleep with some random dude. Aida walked in and put her carefully on the bed, waving to Weiss before leaving. Ruby had told us that Yang was with Aida's team but didn't say what they were doing. Aida motioned for me to follow her out into the hall.

I walked out and shut the door, "What is it?" I asked.

She looked at me with a small glare, "Aren't you going to tell them?" I gave her a questioning look, "About you being a-"

"No!" I said, answering her question before she could finish, "Especially with Weiss being on the team. If anyone else was, then maybe. Weiss doesn't seem like the most forgiving about that sort of thing."

Aida sighed, "They're going to find out eventually, and when they do, they're going to be more upset since you didn't tell them in the first place."

I looked at the ground, I knew it was true and she was right, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Aida put a hand on my shoulder, "It'll be fine, they're your team. You need each other."

"But what if they get upset or Weiss figures out-"

"It'll be fine." She assured, "She didn't think I was part of the Fang when I showed her my fangs." She said, reminding me she had it easier since her animal trade was hidden in her mouth, except her eyes, which were reptilian in nature.

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