Haunting Past

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(Beginning of story follows end of "Can lying be good?" Video)

"Wow I'm so proud of you Thomas. You're so mature" Patton said in an oddly dark voice. He raised his hands, clapping slowly. My head shot up, my heart came to a jolting stop.

"No" I thought.

"I thought something smelled fishy" I snarled. Logan made some remark about my statement, I only half heard it. I was too busy staring at what I now knew wasn't Patton. I must have muttered a response because Logan said something back. The tension in the room grew, people were talking over each other. Logan suddenly slapped his hand over his mouth, I shot an eye to Deceit, knowing this was his doing. Roman struck a distressed pose, I looked over at Thomas. He was wide eyed and Manic

"Ooooh I get it now" Roman said, scrunching up his face

"I don't, what is happening?" Thomas looked around for an answer. I sighed, pulling my attention from the Patton imposter

"You have to give us permission" Roman looked to Logan for help, who remained quiet

"There are sides to everyone that they'd prefer not to know about, but you're the boss Thomas, any information you want to know, you can know. You just... have to be open to hearing it"

"In other words" Roman chimed in. Of course, leave it to princey to interject every two seconds

"Would you like to learn something new about yourself Thomas?"

"I don't know..."

"Oh I don't know either Thomas, you might not like what you find" My blood boiled as he impersonated Patton. I kept my rage inside, instead watching Logan's eyes. His hand still over his mouth.

"Fine! Tell me!" As if on cue Logan's hand dropped and he pointed to Patton

"Deceit!" He declared. Patton's form was instantly replaced by a large looming figure. It wore Thomas's face, as we all did, but it wasn't like the rest of us. It's one growing yellow eye gave me memories of the past, scales crawled up its face, making it appear more reptilian than it already did. It gave us all a smug smile. Thomas jumped back, I averted my eyes to the ground and back at it's haunting face.


My first thought went to Patton. Where was he? Was he ok? Did this monopoly man, teenage mutant ninja turtle reject harm him in any way? Fear bubbled up inside me, twisting itself around my limbs and the rage sitting in my stomach.

"And Virgil" I shot back into the present "I adore the more intense eye shadow, it totally doesn't make you look like a raccoon"

"Nice gloves, did you just finish washing some dishes?" I said as calm as I could.

Thomas started yelling

"Why didn't I know about him until now?!"

"He had you convinced you were an honest person" Logan goes on one of his ramblings again, talking about this and that, mentioning famous authors. I'm not listening. I'm watching deceit. As Logan is talking a mile a minute, Roman and Thomas are staring on, I see Deceit look over at me, he gives me a smile. I bite down on my back molar. He finds amusement in my anger and chuckles. I turn my attention back to the conversation.

"Speaking of seeking knowledge, Where is Patton?!" Thomas screams all of a sudden. I jump

"How dare you stand where he stood?" Roman shouts. Deceit chuckles darkly

"You foolish dummy, I am and always have been Patton" I roll my eyes, so dramatic. Thomas freaks out. Roman and Logan talk over him frantically, trying to calm him down.

Who I Used To Be -Moxiety FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora