Rejection & Acceptance

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"Virgill! Wake up! Please buddy wake up" Someone shook my shoulders. I heard jagged breathing, felt a heavy aching pain on my wrists and the dry gravel underneath my fingers. Sound became clearer, my head began throbbing.

"Smack him harder" Another voice grumbled

"Stop it Logan. You're not helping all this" Logan? Why was Logan here? Oh no. I jerked my head up and grabbed onto the first thing I could. I looked around frantically. Logan stood up against the adjacent wall, looking more impatient than scared. Arms crossed, chains on his wrists. Roman sat on the ground next to him, looking over at me. I looked up and realized I was latched onto Patton's arm.

"You alright bud?" He muttered. I looked down at my arms, weighed down by the same heavy metal cuffs.

"No" I held onto him tighter as I attempted to pull myself to my feet. I looked over at him, then Logan and Roman.

"What are you guys doing here?" I kept hold of Patton, scared I would fall over.

"You tell us" Roman shrugged. I dropped my head

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault" Any anger I had towards Logan or Roman was replaced by guilt and heartbreak of seeing them there.

"I would classify that as accurate" Logan did that really annoying thing where he pushed up the center of his glasses.

"No it's not" Roman muttered. Everyone fell silent. He looked up at me with soft eyes

"You couldn't have known what they were going to do. You were one person then, but you're a different one now. You made mistakes, we all have. Like that time Logan misused the word infinitesimal" A smirk rose out of the corner of his mouth.

"Oh my god one time!" Logan exclaimed. Patton laughed and squeezed my arm. I smiled

"You're with us, and we stick together. So let's get the hell out of here, together" He pulled himself to his feet. I gave him a thankful smile, where was all this coming from? How could he have forgiven me? What happened to Logan was right about you?

"And how do you suppose we accomplish that?" Logan said snarkly, bringing me back to reality

"Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" I grumbled

"Shut up Virgil!" Logan yelled. I jumped "You're the reason we're in this mess! You're the reason Thomas is-"

"Logan!" Roman jumped in. Everyone fell silent. Logan bit his lip and turned away

"Thomas is what?" I gave Patton's arm another squeeze. He said nothing

"Thomas is what?!" Patton said louder.

"Roman?" He raised his eyes.

"Thomas isn't doing so well" He muttered, looking at Logan, who was crossing his arms again

"I mean... We're still here, so he's ok enough, but our presence in his mind is weak. He's basically on his own right now. His logic, creativity and morality... It's fading" I shut my eyes. My stomach had that horrible feeling again. It felt like everything was spinning, like I was going to fall over or throw up.

"Look. There's only one way to get out of this and get back to him. We need to get out of here first" Roman said.

"That's right" Patton jumped in. He finally released me and began looking around the ground. I instantly felt weak without his hold. I put my arm against the wall to support myself.

"What about this?" Patton held up a thin rock with a pointed end. He tossed it to Roman, who inspected it carefully.

"Patton that's it!" Roman snapped his fingers.

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