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How long should I suffer before I say it is enough?

Her door had been locked for a four days from the outside. Her meals came in the form of a foreign face and a platter of things she had never found enjoyment in. There was too much meat in these meals and not enough of the vegetables and fruits she craved. No one could stop her from doing little workouts in her room to stop the boredom since her only visitors were the food bearers.

Lexi thought this would be the rest of her stay until on the fifth day the door to the hallway was wide open when she woke. No one was in her room or either of the adjoining rooms she took notice. Quickly she had gotten ready for the day, worried the door would close if she didn't leave the room soon.

Her curiosity to know the space carried her out of her punishment into a long wide hallway. There were doors spaced well apart that reminded her of a hotel, especially with the lack of lighting. It gave the place an eerie feeling she associated with the dark doings of the hotel hallways she had begun in when her father introduced her into this world.

Lexi reached out the brush her fingers of her right hand over the smoothness of the wall as she walked. The heart in her chest bounded until it left an imprint against the back of her ribs. With every step further from her room, the restrictions she had put around her chest tightened until she stood a chaotic mess in the slow brightening hall. Her fingers were still rooted into the smoothness of the wall as if asking for a semblance of reality when her reality had been taken from her.

What was real anymore?

Was this real?

Was she real?

A low command could be heard from behind her, but she couldn't make it out. Her mind had gone into a state of fight, flight, or freeze. Four days in solitude had put her in this mind-set even though she had faced worse in her training, but then, it had been training. Lexi could ask for it to end if she needed it to. Right now, she knew she couldn't do that.

The cool touch of fingers brushed the wrist of her hand touching the wall.

Lexi never froze.

Lexi knew there was no way out.

Eímai katastrofí.

Her body turned away from her outstretched arm into a low stance to swipe at this person's ankles with the solidity of her calf. The body crashing to the floor had her on her feet and the thick heel of her boot pressing into its neck. She pressed as hands came up to try to push her back, but she kept her weight sturdy. Her silvers looked to the three other figures in the hall – two big and brutish and one taller than them both.

"Alexia, let her go."

A sweet chill ran down her spine at the sound of his voice followed by the hottest flame. He was behind her. Calm. The three in front of her were visibly shaken.

As she looked down, this stranger's faced morphed into one of recognition. Blue eyes looked back at her. Long blonde billowing hair surrounded her face that was shrouded in fear and pain. Even now, she was still gorgeous. A temptress to the men surrounding them. Lexi pressed harder on her throat as the agony she caused resurfaced.

"You know I do not speak twice on the same matter." A fire to his words.

The longer she looked down on her face only proved her betrayal wasn't over. The absolute maddening rage she had felt that day she had walked into her apartment a street or two away from the university was ever present. The volatility of the nudity sent her into a fit of madness.

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