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Taehyung's POV

I woke up and sat up relizing I had a headacke all night I blamed my mom because it was her fault keeping me up tell 2:00 in the morning with that stupid talk well I don't care i'm just going to go to school and meet jungkook and jimin.

(Time skip: school 7:45am

I saw jimin talking to jungkook and I walked over to them hoping that jimin did not say anything stupid.

"Hey jimin your talking to jungkook?". I said looking at him with a smile trying to keep my cool *wait a minute taehyung your going crazy just come down*. I said to myself

"Uh yah we made small talk I saw you were varry interested in being his friend so I wanted to be friends with him to". Jimin said and jungkook nodded with a smile.

"Oh come on we are going to be late". Jungkook said and we went to are first class we all had the same first period class together we sat down in are seats jungkook sat in front of me by the window and jimin sat to seats away from me on my right side.

(Time skip: lunch

Taehyung's POV


*ik ik it's bad but Its just the starting and you just wait tell the good stuff happens any way thank u love u.


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