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Taehyung's POV

All of us sat together with me in the middle it was really akward because I could not stop thinking about the kiss then jimin dicided to break the silence.

"So taehyung how is your mom". Jimin said akwardly trying not to make it weird and me and jungkook just sat there in silence starring at him.

"What did I say something bad". We still just sat there starring then we made coversation.

"Oh um she is fine". I said putting on a fake akward smile.

"Oh good your talking you both looked dead". He said then turned to eat his food again.

"Hey do you both want to come over to spend the night my mom is not home and its a weekend". I said all buttered up and exited.

"Uh yah that would be fun". Jungkook said a little quite but then smiled.

"Sure im free for tonight I guess its boys night out right". Jimin said and laughed.

"Yup cant wait". I said then remebered the kiss I gave jungkook.

"Uh taehyung are you ok". Jungkook asked looking at me then I turned to jimin and he was looking at me to they bothed looked worried.

"Um duh yah im just exited thats all". I guess I was zoned out for to long and they noticed.

"Oh yah this is going to be an amazing night". I said grabbing there shoulders and pulling them towards me I shot up and gave them my cute and sexy boxy smile.
They laughed at how I begaved.

(Time skip: taehyungs house 5:52pm.

Taehyungs POV

We walked in and sat are stuff down I ran and threw myself on the sofa they bothed laughed and sat down beside me we picked out the new movie IT and jimin was scared but then fell asleep in the middle of it I looked over at jungkook who was still awake and he glanced at me.

"Hey tae um so what was the talk about with your mom?". I froze when jungkook asked me that.


*flash back*

I walked in my house and closed the door behind me looking and seeing my mom waiting for me on the sofa.

"Taehyung come here please". She said not facing me and said in a emotionless voice. I walked over to her and sat down on the chair infront of her. She starred for a minute or two.


"Wha-what are you talking about?". I said confused

"Uh I mean why did you not tell me you had a boyfriend?". She said again with a smile.

"Uh um jungkook is not my-". She cutt me off.

"now taehyung you can bring him over anytime ok im so proud of my boy". She said walking over to me with a smile and pincking my cheeks.

"Uh so you are not mad?". I said still confused.

"No of coarse not silly". She said and pinched me cheeks again *wow I have not seen her this happy* I thought to myself.

"Oh ok then why did you act all mad". I asked waiting for her answer.

"Well as most moms do they would be mad I was just trying to act like most moms thats all oh and tell jungkook im sorry if I scarred him ok". She said then rushed upstairs with a smile.

"Good night honey". She said waving a hand behind her.

"Good night mom". I said then jumped in happyness then went to my room and ploped down on my bed falling asleep with a smile on my face.


*end of flash back*

"Taehyung". Jungkook asked


*ok so its bad and im waiting to im enjoying reading it any way sorry for my mistakes thank u love u.


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