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The evening breeze never fails to mentally take me back to my Hometown.. admiring my beautiful compound from the balcony,it's almost summer,the roses are blooming. But i always sat there every evening at 5pm ,waiting for my darling Akin to drive in and lift me up in a hug. I'm so lucky i thought to myself , a great job, a beautiful home,and my husband ,he was God's piece of heaven to me. It's been almost 24years of marriage,we got married when I was 20 and Akin 23, but we've had no kids. Baby we could adopt if that's what you want,we could keep praying and waiting too,I am on your side. Akin said this to me every time he caught me mentally punishing myself.
Who is the prettiest woman in my life,a jolly voice shot out breaking me out of my thoughts, I broke into a smile . My husband's voice always warmed me, I threw my hands in the air as a baby would ,he chuckled lifting his slender wife up. My happiness is home, I thought to myself •
I was always grateful to God for the man he had given me, the success he gave us. Twenty-Four years of marriage and it still felt new everyday, I refused to believe Akin was perfect but that he always tried for me, because he loves me.
The sound of the tap fading away in the bathroom brought me back to reality.I know....,me and my mind...
Baby, so there's another meeting in Lagos by Tuesday ., sigh well success came with a price, Akin's job took him around a lot but never more than a week you know. But still I miss him, a week feels like a whole month, ok ok maybe I exaggerated a bit. Babe,hello..Mary.did you hear me? My husband's voice jerked me from my thoughts, but babe I'll miss you I said, standing up to wrap my hands around his waist and you just got back from a meeting last week in this same Lagos ,what could they possibly want to meet for again, I was getting upset now. Feeling big strong arms on me, turning me around to face him, baby ,this is a different company and remember that deal I've been trying to close? I think this is it and you know I'll miss you too, call you every chance I get and I think this one is just for two days. I was still pouting, my husband lifted my face up and kissed me. When do you have to go I asked , tomorrow babe". I squealed a nooo ,Akin laughed and picked me up ,I let out a suppressed laughter.. looking into his beautiful eyes.
I love you Akin and I love you Mary. Well let's get packing I said this motioning to get the small usual black leather bag I bought for him , but Hands were grabbing my waist, and I was engaged in a passionate kiss, leather bag falling on  the ground from my excitement. It's safe to say well there was no packing that night.

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