The journey•

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2nd of July 2017 5am, I woke up with an odd feeling in my gut. packing Akins bag, while Teni made breakfast. I woke Akin to go bath, and as usual he grabbed my face,a kiss on my forehead and went into the bathroom. His flight was by 8am, the meeting was scheduled for 3pm, he would be home the next day. I smiled at the thought of that.
6:30am, I had taken my bath and was applying my makeup, babe do you know Mr Charles is still insisting on resigning,I don't know if he is the smartest man or what. Akin said engaging me in a conversation with toast bread in his mouth, Mr Charles is Akins superior in the office in his early 40's he said he had worked enough and was time to start enjoying his life, Akin had dreams like that, resigning early ,him and his beautiful wife touring the world . I prayed for our continual success .
7am, I was all "made" up, Akin stared at me, whistling at every word I say, I would punch his chest,stop it sir . I was happy , off to the airport to drop my baby and go to work.   
It was 10am now,I had dropped my husband and kissed him goodbye ,I was at work now. The day was going so well, the feeling in my gut was going away as well ,dismissing it as me not wanting to be alone this evening without Akin, he is coming back tomorrow silly . I hadn't prayed today, i wasn't the holiest of believers but I liked to talk to the big guy occasionally I bowed my head for a short while ,thanked him for the day, my husband too of-course and then I prayed for my womb. If it didn't happen this year, then I guess it would be time to finally adopt .
  Leaving the office early today because my head hurt, it was 2pm and no phone call from Akin, this man I muttered under my breath. Got to my car and dialed his number "my heart" , still a high school girl Mary,I thought aloud. Phone rings ,and it's picked almost immediately, oh hello baby, my air, I know I know,stop squeezing your face, flight got delayed babe so I just landed a few minutes ago,I was just going to call you. I laughed ,rolling my eyes,Akin he knew me so well. But babe I said interrupting him, but babe nothing I love you he chipped in with his voice...that voice. Okay okay, call me when you are settled ,I love you. "I love you too Mrs Samson",  typical Akin,he knew how much I loved been addressed by our surname,I don't know why, I just always did.  I blew a kiss into the phone and hung up.  I felt lighter , maybe my headache even left, I went home, the thought of seeing Teni's gleeful face made me happy , I could adopt her I thought to myself, she's is 16 and has lived with me since she was 13, no i said Counseling myself I want a child to grow with,change diapers,keep me up at night , maybe Teni could be the big sister then?
Realizing that I've reached the front of my house now, the gateman opened the gate, "madam welcome oh",thank you Pius, I always wondered why pius was so joyful, I chuckled.  Locking the car door, Teni entered the gate coming back from school, Aunty you are back early today ,I threw a smile at her, she could be my daughter,I could hug her tightly and be her role model. Come Teni come give me a hug.
I got the biggest hug, it felt so warm, I want a child,a tear dropped. Is everything ok Aunty ? She looked like she might cry herself, I chuckled , no Teni,Aunty just thinks you are a blessing to her. She beamed.
  The time flew it was 4pm now I had eaten , laying down lazily on the bed ,no intention to stare at my beautiful flowers today or enjoy the evening's breeze. Just Watch Tv all day and maybe bond with Teni. It would be tomorrow soon, Akin would be home, we could talk about adoption , maybe go for a family outing with Teni.  Tomorrow then •

MY HUSBAND'S SINDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora