Fire fly's•

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We had not been cooking anything, all we did was microwave the food ikechukwu had prepared on Friday before he left. My brain was doing a 300meter race..we needed a plan, or the paper would read, the recently widowed woman dies in a fire with her child!. My living room was on fire, it was coming from the kitchen, the kitchen window was smashed, Christ! What do I do now...Teni! My properties! Our life! ... Teni was coughing profusely, we were taking in so much smoke. It was like the fire was laughing, like the devil's sickening sense of humor. Did Taju do this? To what end? Is he really psycho like I thought?  We have to leave the house ...we have to escape ... but what if death is sweet and painless, and then I get to see Akin, all the pain stops...I land with a thud on the chair, saying to myself death is joy and pain is momentary... Mum! What are you doing, we need to leave ...please stand up! Please!! For a moment, I saw nothing but the beautiful flames dancing, getting stronger in my weakness, pulling me in.. a weak hand tugged me at..Mum, Mum ...let's go... Like a crazed person, I stood up at the thought of Teni getting hurt.  If we must go then it must be with a fight, nothing beautiful about fire engulfing my skin, causing me so much agony ... Teni, you've got to stay awake for me ok, we are going to survive this, at this time Teni and I was choking.
I ran to get the parlor keys thinking we must survive. I could hear my phone ring but it was far in the room, the fire must have gotten to the room by now, we needed to leave! turned the key in the lock and it gave way, yes! Baby let's go.
  I pushed the door, but it wouldn't budge. This has never happened, dear God, who is doing this I screamed! Banging at the door, I heard a voice, it was softly sobbing, who is there? Let us out! Please. I know you are there, whoever you are, I have a child in here! Let us out for Christ's sake! What kind of sick joke is this..let us out! The voice sobbing got louder, Christ's sake it was husband's Sin. 
  Taju? Is that you... I told myself to remain calm, Taju please let us out.....

I'm afraid I can't let you go, this is how it's meant to be. You can't leave me this time, they always leave me. I'll set you free and remember your love was pure and you never left. I SET YOU FREE!  Nothing made sense, a lunatic was mumbling rubbish while I and my child choked to death, with the fire closing in on us, the living room was getting smaller and hotter, the portrait of Akin and I going down in flames, my memories getting erased right in front of my eyes. But I must protect Teni, Taju, please! Think about this, I would never leave dear reader, don't judge me I had to play the role ..I had to survive... Taju , you could even have a baby sister, I would take care of you, but I can't do that if you let us please Taju let your family out... Taju went wild and was banging the door, sobbing loudly, I want to, I really want to...promise me! Mary...promise me....don't lie to me, Mary!  I could feel his struggle within himself, I prayed Taju wasn't beyond help, I wanted to help him get proper mental care.
Mumm..a tiny voice let out holding on to my shoulders before slumping on the ground.
Teni!  Se wo fe fimisile ni!? my whole chest was hurting, from the smoke and my helplessness .i pressed on Teni's chest, begging her to breath, I was screaming now, the fire had us circled, I wrapped Teni in my arms as I wailed like a wounded lion, maybe I had no child because they were to be met with an unfortunate end.
The fire was scorching my skin now, this was it...I used my body as a shield to protect Teni,it's all I could think of,I cried heavily, my life flashing before my eyes,my baby in my arms refusing to move..a man I had no idea existed ,punishing me for the sins of my husband,and the people who ignored him when he should have been reached out to. I was slipping away now, the smoke I could feel it strangle me, Mary! Promise me...I heard in the distance, I let out a laugh.,life must be a joke...I slumped on top of my child.

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