After Party

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Growing tired of the party, Yasmine felt her expression droop instead of the cheery look she adorned before. Jack talked animatedly to his friends about who knows what because at that point she could care less.

Squeezing Jack's hand, Yasmine stood on her toes, leaning up to his ear, "When are we gonna leave? I have work tomorrow."

"In a little bit." He said absentmindedly.

Yasmine sighed then glanced around. Slipping her hand out of his, she told him she was going to the bathroom to which he nodded but she didn't think he cared as he was still paying attention to what his friend was saying to him.

Maneuvering her way through the house, she searched through the crowd for him. Lighting up when she saw the familiar black attire.

"David!" She called.

He turned with a smile and waved her over. His friends were circled around talking.

"Hey were you leaving?" He asked.

"No, who knows when I'll be able to leave." She rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Jack was my ride and he still seems pretty invested with the party."

"Well me and everyone were about to leave, I could give you a ride?"

Yasmine widened her eyes, "Oh um," she thought about Jack and if he would be angry to find she left without him.

"Come on. Just text Jace you're getting a ride home."

She laughed, "Jack." She corrected.

David waved his hand, "Same difference."

As she giggled, his lips stretched wider seeing her laugh. Turning to his friends he asked, "Hey you guys ready to go?"

"Yes please!" A pink haired, petite girl groaned making everyone chuckle and agree.

David made way to the exit, everyone following suit. David kept an eye on Yasmine, slowing his pace to make sure she kept up with everyone.

Focusing on her phone, she pulled up her messages between her and Jack, debating on what to say. While her thumbs hovered over her keyboard, she felt hands guide her through the street to which she assumed was David and proving correct as David yanked Yasmine's phone out of her hands and typed rapidly before handing her phone back.

"You're welcome."

Yasmine turned her phone back on and read the message he sent to Jack.

To Jack😘:
Hey David is giving me a ride home. See you!

"Shotgun!" Brandon yelled, getting Yasmine's attention.

Her eyes widened at the car before her as the doors lifted slowly and magnificently.

"Woah." She gave David an impressed look, "This is yours?"

He gave her a smug grin before shrugging one shoulder, "Eh we might be stealing it."

Yasmine stopped in her tracks, "Wait what?"

David laughed, "I'm just joking. It's mine."

"Damn wow." She complimented, examining the car.

"Hey let Yasmine in the front." David called to Brandon who pouted and moved to the back seat.

"Thanks." She said quietly, pushing her hair behind her ear as she slid into the passenger seat.

"Alright who's going home first? Jason? I know old people need more sleep." David joked as he started his car.

Everyone laughed as Jason rolled his eyes with a slight smile, "Sure."

Between Two || David Dobrik Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang