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"Jack stop!" Yasmine yelled as she scrambled out of the car, her boyfriend looming over David.

"Trying to make a move on my girlfriend? She's not interested." He shouted.

David got up slowly, brushing off his pants. "Wasn't trying to do anything." He crossed his arms with a gleam in his eye, "You can stop with this show of bravado, it's not impressing anyone."

Jack's nostrils flared as he stepped close to David, getting in his face, "Me? How about you? Trying to act all cool? I see right through you."

"I'm sure you do."

Yasmine pushed at Jack's chest, "Jack, seriously stop. You're making an ass of yourself."

Jack turned to her furious, "Why are you taking his side?!"

Yasmine furrowed her brows, "I'm not. Are you drunk? Why are you acting like this?"

"Why are you hanging out with guys all of a sudden?! You never did this before!"

David stepped in front of Yasmine, "Hey you need to calm down. There's no need to yell at her."

"It's okay David. Jack, let's go upstairs and talk it out."

Jack scoffed, "Nah," he turned and started to walk away, "I don't need a slut as a girlfriend."

"That's it." David grabbed Jack's shoulder and whipped him around before punching him straight in the nose.

Jack fell to the ground, clutching his nose as he groaned in pain.

"David!" Yasmine hurried to Jack's side and checked his face.

Blood seeped out between his fingers making Yasmine widen her eyes, "Jack oh my god."

Jack pushed Yasmine's arms away, getting up unsteadily and attempting to send a punch David's way but stumbled as he dodged.

"Jack stop it!" Yasmine yelled, grabbing his arms and forcing him to look at her, "Enough. Go up stairs."

Walking to the elevator sluggishly, he pointed his middle finger at David, who rolled his eyes.

Waiting for Jack to leave, Yasmine ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

"I'm sorry." David mumbled.

"No. Don't be." Yasmine played with her fingers, "Jack is just a bit over protective sometimes. I should have known he would have reacted like that."

"That's a bit more than being over protective."

"It's just how he is." Yasmine excused.

A tense pregnant pause passed before she spoke again, "I'm sorry about how he acted. I really would like to hang out again."

David smiled at her gently, "Of course." Taking out his phone again, he handed it to Yasmine, exchanging with her phone as they typed in their numbers.

"I'll see you later." Yasmine said before leaving for the elevator while David watched the doors close.


Pushing open her apartment door, she saw Jack passed out on the couch with napkins shoved up his nose to stop the bleeding.

Yasmine sighed, hanging up her purse on the wall hook before locking her door. Kicking off her shoes, she made her way to Jack and shook him awake, half carrying him to her room.

He flopped back onto the bed and Yasmine sat to take off his shoes.

"Are you mad at me?" He croaked.

Yasmine sighed for what felt like the hundredth time, "No. I'm not."

"I'm sorry."

She placed his boots by her dresser, "Its okay."

He smiled at her sleepily, "I love you."

"I love you to." She said tiredly as he fell asleep on her bed.

Getting ready for bed, she tied her hair up as she washed her face of all makeup while going over all of the night's events in her head. She dressed herself for bed and turned off the lights.

Hearing her phone buzz next to her, she looked at the screen.

David 😈:
I'm really sorry about what happened. I can't wait to see you again

Glancing behind her, she checked on Jack, making sure he was asleep before entering her password into her phone.

To David 😈:
It's okay. Really. I can't wait to see you to Dave Vader

From David 😈:
Please don't start that again

Yasmine let out soft laugh.

To David 😈:
I'll admit, it wasn't my best one

From David 😈:
No. It wasn't.

To David 😈:
Hey at least it's better than Davey Crockett

From David 😈:
Oh god

To David 😈:
Expect new nicknames David

From David 😈:
Okay Minnie

Yasmine rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips before shutting off her phone and settling into bed. Her phone buzzed again not long after.

From David 😈:
No goodnight?

To David 😈:
Goodnight David.

From David 😈:
Goodnight Yasmine 😉

With a smile on her face, Yasmine clutched her phone and snuggled into her blankets, feeling a lot better.


I had some good freaking dinner tonight and I had a sweet comment from the last chapter and inspired me to write this chapter

It makes me happy seeing the good feedback on where this is going

But anyway tell me what you think! And or vote!

Happy readings!

Between Two || David Dobrik Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin