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Trsitan pov

I was in the kitchen cooking pancakes when Kayla come running down the stairs with my phone and I see Tegan called me so I quickly call her back no answer and I keep calling still no answer

Tristan : somethings happening
Kayla : what do u mean
Tristan : I said call if there anything wrong she called and now she's not picking up something wrong
Kayla : well what are we gonna do
Tristan : idk I'm calling Daniel and then were drive around but she's been gone for like 3 hours
Kayla : ok u do that

Tristan : Daniel have u heard anything from Tegan
Daniel : no why
Tristan : she went out last night got drunk come back at 6.30am and then she went for a walk and she called me when she was out and now she's not answering
Daniel : fuck sake where is she
Tristan : idk but we're going out to look for her
Daniel : ok I'll get the boys to have a look around as well were split up and then I'll call if I hear anything
Tristan : ok .

I hang up me Kayla and Kai are looking everywhere by foot and car all looking and I keep calling her no answer so I call Joe

Tristan : is Tegan with u
Joe: no she left ages ago
Tristan : I know but something wrong with her I can tell
Joe: ok I'll have a look around
Tristan : thank u call me if u see her
Joe: I will

I keep looking and it been almost 2 hours of looking for her and nothing I call the police because this is my last option

911: 911 what your emergency
Tristan : my friend went missing 5 hours ago she said she was going for a walk and I said call if there anything wrong she called me and now she's not picking up she's got depression
911: ok normally we don't go looking befor 24 hours but if she has depresstion it might be a couse of suicide
Trsitan : no no no
911: what's her name
Tristan : Tegan boyland she's got short brown hair a bit tanned
911: and when did she go missing
Tristan : 5 hours ago
911: ok well 2 hours ago we got a call about a girl matching your description who we found dead can u come down to the hospital and have a look at her body
Tristan : I uh um idk what if it is her
911: well come down and have a look and then we can discuss what's gonna happen if it's her and if not were have a look for her
Tristan : ok I'll make my way down now then

I stay strong and hope it's not her I call Daniel and tell him

Daniel : have u found her
Tristan : no but the police found a body matching tegans description so I'm on my way to see if it hers
Daniel : what do u mean
Tristan : it means that her depretion might have got to much for her and killed her self because of u
Daniel : what do u mean because of me
Tristan : she's been acting around u the whole time because she want u to think she's ok but she's not she's been struggling the whole time being here with u
Daniel : she didn't have to act I would understand
Tristan : well she did and she may have killed herself so I want u to call every one and tell them because I'm at the hospital now seeing if it's her

I hang up I walk to reception and say and then they get a police officer to take me down to the body and before I get taken I have to be spoken to

Police : u can't touch this person in there I'm going to be there the whole time with u but the body is pretty beaten up
Tristan : where did u find her
Police : at the grove she was hit with a car it seems she was panicking attack and ran in front of a car
Trsitan : oh god she's been having loads of panick attacks it's going to be her
Police : well let's go in there and see

We walk in its all white with a little light over the body and covered in a sheet

Police : are u ready
Tristan : Yh I need to know if it's her

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