Little Bit Further Away

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"Ready to do this?" Effie asked, smiling proudly as she placed the graduation cap on her head. 

"Absolutely." Arwen grabbed the hand of her friend, who was more like a sister. 

It was finally happening. They were finally graduating college. Their plan for after this ceremony was to travel and see their boys in concert. Neither would admit it just yet, but they were basically in love. They were excited to see them, but also worried they'd just show up and see them with other girls. 

They didn't want to be one of many. 

They wanted to be special. 

After they had walked the stage and received their diplomas, they went to go find their families in hopes of starting their journey even sooner. 

However, they were both lifted off their feet in massive bear hugs. Long muscular arms wrapping around their bodies. 



"What're you doing here?" They said equal parts excited and confused. 

"No way would we miss our favorite girls graduating uni. We are so proud." Michael said as he ruffled Arwen's bright red hair.

Once they were back with their feet on the ground, Calum and Luke alternated giving hugs and cheek kisses. 

"Pretty big deal for you guys." Luke smiled. 

"We were just about to meet up with our families, would you like to join us?" Effie asked. 

Both girls missed the shared smiles between the boys. 

"Sure." Ashton smiled. Dimples on bright display, as he put his hand on the small of Effie's back and pushed her to lead the way. 

Effie found her family first, and expected to do introductions, but was surprised to hear her mother shout. 

"Ashton! It's so good to see you again, dear." 

"Uh, again?" Effie asked, shooting Ashton a questioning glare. 

"I'd love to know how this pans out, but my parents are probably looking for me. Let me know  later what's going on." Arwen grabbed Mikey's hand without thinking, and brought him to her parents. 

Luke and Calum were stranding between the two families awkwardly, not really knowing where to go. 

Arwen's parents reacted very similar to Effie's upon seeing her with the tall redheaded boy. 

"Michael! Doing alright? Was your hair a different color the last time we saw you?" Arwen father asked, eye's flickering to their intertwined fingers. 

Arwen realized what her father was looking at, and her cheeks flared red. She pulled her hand away, much to both of their disappointments. "What's going on? How do you guys and Effie's parents already know the boys?" Arwen asked confused, just as she heard Arwen excitedly yell "No way!" And drag Luke, Ashton, and Calum into  big group hug. 

"Okaaay." Arwen turned back to her family. "What's going on, Mike?" 

"We thought, maybe, you'd both like to do a bit of traveling and join us on our tour?" 

Arwen glanced between her parents and Michael before excitedly cheering. "Oh my god, yes! When do we leave?" 

"Now!" Effie cheered, running up behind her, a suitcase in each hand. "They repacked our bags for us!" 

Arwen turned back to Mikey and saw her parents handing him her luggage. 

Effie and Arwen excitedly hugged their parents. "Be right back!" They shouted and followed the boys off towards their tour bus, that no one seemed to notice. 

They saw the bus, and Effie handed her bags over to Ashton. "We have to go say bye, and we really don't want to travel in our graduation robes!" 

Both girls ran off towards their parents, pulling their gowns off as they went. 

"So, are you actually going to make a move, now?" Luke asked, coming up behind Ashton. "I mean, you guys are basically already together, just make it actually happen." 

Ashton shrugged, and looked in the direction Effie ran off in. "I'd love to, honestly, I really would. I'm just afraid of ruining what we already have." 

"And don't think we didn't see the hand holding action you got, Michael." Calum called out to a retreating Michael, who was trying to get on the bus, and avoid questions. "And don't try the 'We are just friends' Bullshit." 

Michael shrugged. "I really don't know what we are." He turned and boarded the bus once he saw the girls were heading back, hoping to put a complete stop to the conversation. 

"Let's goooo!" arwen shouted happily. 

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