Wasting Time

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"OMG!" Arwen shouted excitedly while the bus was pulling down the road, to a new life. "I can not believe we are on tour with the super famous boy band, 5 Seconds of Summer!" 

"Wooo!" Effie cheered. 

"Alright, alright." Calum waved his hands for them to calm down. "This is all fun and games, but we do need to discuss the golden rule." 

"The rule?" Effie asked confused.  "Like, don't interact with any crazy fan girls?"

"Actually, yeah." Ashton laughed, throwing an arm around Effie, and pulling her closer to him as they were sat on the couch. "Look at my cute little college graduate. So smart." 

"Shut up." Effie giggled even though all her brain was echoing back at her was the word "my" Did he really think of her as his? Or was he just joking around? Effie knew what she wanted, she just didn't know how to figure out if he felt the same way. 

"Fan girls can be insane. If they find out you are on tour with us, and see you on our days off, they can get pretty vicious. That is basically the only rule." Luke chuckled. 

"Yeah, you guys will see our shows from either side show, or like in front of the stage where the photographers go." That way you can get the full experience, and we can see you." Mikey slung a loose arm around Arwen's shoulders. "Because I have a feeling we will have our best shows with you good luck charms watching." 

"Also." Calum spoke up, sending a sly grin towards Luke. "No sex in any bunk, but your own, and never when anyone else is here." 

"Calum!" Michael and Ashton scolded, both faces going bright red. 

Arwen and Effie shared a glance. Did Michael and Ashton actually like them in the same way they did? Was there actually the possibility of something happening between them and their boy of choice? 

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