A Thousand Faces

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The girls watched the show from the side lines, not daring to go near the crowd. Effie had an ice pack held to her head, now having a headache from the girl pulling her hair. Arwen had a bandage wrapped around one of her arms, despite her protests. Michael insisted he get to play doctor. 

Erin suddenly stood, and discarded the ice pack. She was going to go sit by Ashton, when the song ended. 

"Alright Los Angeles!" Ashton yelled into his mic. "We are going to slow things down for just a moment, and get a little serious." 

"There have been some rumors going around, involving the lovely ladies we invited on tour with us." Luke said, looking towards the wings where they were both standing wide eyes and still as a statue. 

"And I think it's about time we address those rumors and put them to rest." Michael said as he walked towards the girls, and waved them on stage. "These are our best friends Effie and Arwen, and we adore them." 

"Ash?" Effie asked sheepishly, not sure how she felt about being on stage. When she looked behind her towards the drummer, he was behind her and swept her off her feet. 

The crowd instantly went wild, seeing Ashton interact with Effie. But it wasn't a bad kind of wild, they weren't rioting, or booing the boys off stage, like the girls expected. No, they were cheering. Maybe not cheering for them so much as the boys, but they were still cheering. They seemed to have accepted them, and love them. 

"This is my girl, and I love her." Ashton yelled, twirling Effie around. 

"And we want you to love them too." Calum added, with a smile. 

"They are sweet, and nice, and deserve to be treated so well. Not mobbed, or held hostage to get our attention." Michael said, dipping Arwen down and pressing his lips to hers, causing the crowd to start screaming, and giggling. 

Ashton giggled along with the crowd gleefully, kissing Effie's face all over, proud to finally be able to show her off. 

"Alright, alright, that's all nice and cute." Luke addressed the couples on stage. "But who is ready to rock?" He began the riff to the next song. Effie gave Ashton a chaste kiss as he ran back to his drums, for a split second she looked lost, but decided on following Ashton to his drums. 

Arwen went back off stage, but would come back every so often to rock out beside Michael. 

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