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I still can't believe him. "Jack let me talk to you in private." I herd punize say. Good she should hit him with a frying pan.

"Jack you realize what you have done right." I said. "Broke Elsa." He said smirking. "Look jack I don't know what is wrong with you but let me say it this way. You wimp go rot in a dungeon full of rats get a different life you unwanted ugly jerk Know go say sorry to your ex girl friend you sorry excuse of a friend." I said before grabbing his ear and yelling. "If you make her cry you'll be 6 feet under the ground."

Rapunzel came out the room with a smirk. "Your turn." She said leaving to go get some stuff to help her fin Anna. "Get back in that room." I yelled at jack who was trying to escape. "Are you gonna lecture me to." He said. "No not at all." I said smiling. "Great." He said getting up. "I am not gonna talk I'm gonna hit." I said get up.

Time skip. (To much violence)

Let's just say jack came out the room with 2 broken rib,a bloody nose, a black eye, 3 broken fingers, a sprained shoulder, and a couple bruises and cut here and there. "Merida as much as I think he deserved a good beating I meant from us not you. And I feel,like if I put a finger on him his body is going to shader." Flynn yelled. "Be happy that she didn't break his jaw." Rapunzel said coming down stairs in her spy outfit.

"Go get dressed losers we have a Anna to find." She said."Jack get dressed unless you want another conversation." I said. That's when he ran up the Steps like his life depended on it. " I don't think he'll be able to fight." Hiccup said. "He'll stay in the car." I said. "What about bunny." Kristoof said. "He's staying here." I whispered. "Why are you whispering." Hiccup said. "Because BUNNY go take a long shower we're gonna wait for you." I yelled. "Punize go tell Elsa to get dressed." I said. She nodded, I feel like this is the first time every body is listening to me  "Well I can see someone wanted to make jack jealous." Flynn said putting his arm on Elsa's shoulders.

Punize glared daggers at him,Elsa still looked depressed, and then then hiccup flicked his hand off of Elsa and said. "In a minute or 2 your going to look worst than jack." That's when he looked at punize and smiled backing away. "That's what I thought." Rapunzel said doing exactly what Flynn did to Elsa for Elsa. "Can we leave know. "Jack said with his hoodie over his head. "Wow." He looked Elsa up and down like she was a meal. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Elsa replied doing poses. Jack rolled his eyes. "Leg go." I said pointing to the door every one followed.

Mer started to drive since there was only 4 seats every body was squished, lucky me had to sit next to jack. We were so close it looked like I was sitting on his lap but I wasn't at the same time. "You okay back there." Hiccup called from one of the seats because the passenger seat was filled with gadgets and devices.

I'm fine
Just look at the road would you
Go buy yourself a life
"Oh no screaming crying perfect storms I can make all the tables turn."
"Punzie what song you singing." Mer asked. "You already know." She replied. "Do you mind replying it in the radio we have a good 30 minute drive ahead of us." Mer said. Punzie nodded is it just me or is ever body just doing what she says to day.

(Playing the music)

"To much singing." Jack yelled. "you didn't even open your mouth." Kristof snapped. "No need to get an attitude." Jack said back oh boy.

What butt face.

"Do me a favor and shut up." I said. "No do me a favor and go get beat up by mer again." Kristof insulted. That made mer chuckle. "Little boy you don't know how much you get on my nerves."

"Yeah a little more then you get on Elsa's." Kristof snapped back. "1 do not compare your self to a girl I thought I told you that before. 2 do not compare Elsa to our argument because she did nothing and 3 grow up and grow a pair." I said calmy. He just looked out the window madder then a mother who found out her daughters boyfriend was cheating on her.

"We're here frost brain you and Elsa are gonna stay here for back up." Meet said getting out. "What me and Elsa both yelled but every body was already out the car.

I love her. I yelled in my brain.

Flash back

I looked at mer who was looking at me. I connected the mind talking or whatever and said. "Let me and Jack stay I wanna have a talk with him."



Just stay alert we might need you

I feel guilty for not going to save my lil sis

Hey if any thing she would of done the same thing if her and kristof were in this state

Oh you make me feel so much better

I know bye

Thanks and bye.

End of flash back

Know it's just me and Jack. Time for me master plan.

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