Kiss Kiss / Post To Be: High School

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In High School. 
Monday, October 17th, 2017 

1st Period 

Today. Today was the day that I went into my first High School. I was going into Grade 9 which sucks but there are some happy moments to come. Or maybe it's just my optimistic thoughts coming along. My name is Gina, I have 5 ft 5, I have long black hair. I am shy, I have anxiety and sometimes I have really had bad depression. But most of the times I am a happy lady.

The Reason I started school so late is that I went to Atlanta for the whole summer and the whole of September. My parents kept on fighting for there and that's why we kept on postponing the trip back to Virginia. Also, other family stuff happened. 

I never had a boyfriend, I never lost my virginity, not yet at least ;)))). Once I entered the school lobby, I was so lost. Like this a huge school... here comes the inappropriate thoughts. All I've seen so far is lockers, lockers, and more lockers, but I never saw the office. Then when I went to the first floor, I saw some guys talking and goofing around on the steps. I went up the steps then it all went quiet. Then this one dude came up to me. 

???: Hey, what's your name 

Gina: Gina

Chris: My name is Chris, can I get your number 

Gina: No...

Chris: Where you heading to? 

Gina: To the office

Chris: Why you going to the office for? 

Gina: I need my schedule. 

Chris: Lemme come with you 

Gina: Nah, I can handle it on my own 

Chris: Isn't your first day here? 

Gina: ... Yeah 

Chris: You don't know where you going huh? 


Chris: I'll help ya. 

Gina: You don't have to...

Chris: Stop, I wanna help a beautiful lady like you 

I blushed at his comment. There's something about this guy, I don't know what it is. He came back to me with his backpack. 

Chris: So what grade are you in 

Gina: 9 

Chris: That sucks 

Gina: What do u mean...

Chris: You'll get it, in like a week. Don't mind me asking but do u have a boyfriend? 

Gina: Nope

Chris: Interesting, You don't speak much

Gina: Yeah, cause I have Anxiety and other stuff. 

Chris: My bad. 

Gina: Don't worry. 

We walked to the main office

Chris: Here you go, I'll see you around Gina 

Gina: Thanks 

I guess he is cute but I feel like other girls like him, so I'm not going to be around him at all. 

                                          After School 

I was waiting for this one girl that I met in Math class, my Math class is a mixed class with Grade 9's to Grade 11's. Her name is Kiana, she told me to go to the back of the school. When I got there, there was a group of guys smoking and shit. Until I landed my eyes on Chris, he wasn't smoking he was just laughing with his friends I guess. He has a great smile tho.

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