Back To Sleep / Melanin Magic: The Guy That Keeps Coming Back

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                                                                        Jade POV 

I hate high school. Everything about it just makes me gag of the thought of going to school. I am the type of person who sits with their friends in the hallways. I am a shy girl, I don't wanna have new friends when I am being forced to.

 I am 16 and still have no boyfriend, like a boyfriend matters to me right now. All the boys in this school are immature expect for this one guy in my Math class. His name is Chris, he is a Jock and plays football and basketball, he has some good dance moves but he can't faze me with his moves even though he is kinda cute. 

It was April 1st and everyone was joking and goofing off because it was April fools day. All the guys planned a joke about me last period. There was this guy who said he wanted to have sex with me but I said no and then he went back to his friends and laughed it off. I am not in the mood to be pranked on again today. 

In Math Class, I wanted to leave. We had to work on this math problems about long division because all of our minds are fucked up and can't remember shit how to do long division. I struggled with division, I am not smart in Math. I could hear Chris and his friends goofing around. Our teacher doesn't do shit in this class which is a good thing cause I need a period to myself where I can watch something without a teacher walking around and looking over our shoulder. 

Chris suddenly appeared in my eyes, he sat in the desk in front of me and turned around to me. 

Chris: Hey 

Jade: Um Hi 

Chris: Are you ok with the sheet 

Jade: Yes 

Chris: Lemme see 

He took my sheet to see that I haven't done shit 

Chris: You haven't done anything 

Jade: I'm taking my time 

Chris: Do you know how to do these problems 

Jade: Yes 

Chris: Show me 

Jade: Why? 

Chris: Because I wanna see you do these problems 

Jade: You don't even know my name 

Chris: I do, It's Jade 

Jade: Uh 

Chris: Exactly, now show me 

Jade: I'm gonna do them tomorrow, I need a period off 

Chris: Ok, do you have instagram? 

Jade: Yeah

Chris: What's your IG 

Jade: Can't tell you 

Chris: So Mysterious, I like that. If you change your mind here's my instagram *hands her a slip of paper* and you can talk to me if you need help with these problems 

He left my presence, he was actually smart. People come to him in Math class asking him questions about other classes. 

                                                                   Later that night 

I was on my phone pretending that I was sleeping, it was around 12 am and I couldn't sleep for some strange reason. I was just watching some youtube videos when someone named BigdickChris. Obviously it was Chris -.-

BigdickChris: Hey 

Jade_17: Hi..

BigdickChris: Have you figured out them long divisions 

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