Fine By Me / All Eyes On Me: The Club

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In My House 
Wednesday, January 30th, 2017

               Chris Pov 

I told myself multiple times I didn't want a relationship, I just wanna chill and shit. I was watching TV until this girl, Jenna, she always calls me for some dick. She is fine tho but she never stays out for the rest of the night or day with me. I know it's weird but it's what I like and prefer. 

                        Alison Pov (Aka Ali) 

I'm sick and tired of being single already, I am 18, I know but there are creeps in my school that want me but I don't like them because they are all immature. I just need someone older than me but that is impossible because no one would date an 18-year-old. I feel like older men are mature than these younger ones. 

I met up with my friends in the lobby of the school. 

Layla: Ok, we gotta go to that club on Saturday 

Ali: What are we talking about...

Isabelle: We're going to the club on Saturday,  

Alisha: Are you coming with us? 

Layla: She properly doesn't want to go 

Ali: Yeah, I'm not going...

Isabelle: Come on, there are other things than your books 

Ali: I don't read all the time Isabelle

Alisha: You better come with us, we'll find you a boyfriend 

Ali: Like I need one 

I lied to my friends but they already know that I've been complaining about a boyfriend for years since 7th grade. 

Layla: We're in grade 12, we're almost graduating, you have one life, Ali. 

Isabelle: She gonna spend her whole life reading books 

Layla: She won't even go anywhere when she turns 20, she'll be reading books and watching TV 

Alisha: Guys don't be too harsh on Ali 

I always liked Alisha as a friend but Layla and Isabelle have always been in a popular group. They have boyfriends already and Alisha is a lesbian. I always like to read but I like to watch movies and shows that interest me. They always make fun of me when I'm reading a book. They don't like nerds, they have the most cutest boyfriends of all time but they always seeing other dudes in the club. 

The only reason that I don't go to the club is that I'm afraid that I'm going find a trash ass boyfriend who will eventually cheat on me. I rather date someone smarter than and older than me. 

Ali: You know what, I'll go to the club with you guys.... on Saturday 

Layla: Are you sure 

Isabelle: It's gonna be a great change in your life Ali 

Ali: Whatever, Now let's go to Tim Hortons. 

                                Chris Pov 

Chris: Why won't you stay with me 

Jenna: And do what? 

Chris: Just chill with me 

Jenna: I'm not one of your friends or anything. I have no feelings towards you 

Chris: Then why do you keep on calling me up whenever you need some dick then 

Jenna: Cause...

Chris: Cause? 

Jenna: I have to go, Chris, I'll call you. 

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