Ayo / Play No Games: My Bully

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                                                                           Sophia POV

The first day of school, I hate it very much. The worst part of it your the new kid to a new high school. You feel like you basically lost all of your friends from where you came from. You walk into a new town feeling lost and loneliness. There's always a story of where a girl moves to a new town and makes all these friends and eventually have a boyfriend. 

For me this is a different story, a different narrative. The things I went through was terrible, embarrassing and lonely at times. Let me tell you guys a story. 

I was born in the Bronx of New York. I am 16 and I am in 10th grade. My parents has always told me that high school was a good place to learn, to have friends with. There was a difference between me and my parents, they were born in a small town where everyone knew each other. They wouldn't hurt each other, they wouldn't talk shit, nothing. I was born in a decade where people are always on social media, people bully people. 

Times has changed, people change too. I haven't changed one bit. Not until I met him. As a little girl I was always positive, making people smile, giving people compliments when they are down. I was a nerd and I still am. 

But then my grandmother had breast cancer and we had to move to L.A. Ever since then I felt like I was lonely, I had no friends. Then March came and i had to go to school. I was nervous. Butterflies were in my stomach not knowing how the rest of the semester is going to turn out to be. 

The First period came and went okay, the teacher was okay. Second period, boring as fuck. Then lunch came I was so confused on where to go. So I went to the cafeteria where I see everyone greeting with their friends. Everyone sat with their friends, I saw one table that was empty so I sat there. 

When I was eating my salad I went to my laptop to watch a show, but then this guy was walking up to me and sat in front of me. 

August: Hey 

Sophia: Hey....

August: My name is August whats yours 

Sophia: Sophia

August: Aren't you the new girl 

Sophia: Yeah 

August:  Your beautiful 

Sophia: Thank you *blushes* 

August: You see my friend over there in the grey sweatshirt and the black beanie 

Sophia: Yeah 

August: He's name is Chris and he wants to have your Instagram 

That's when I locked eyes with him. He was cute but I had a gut feeling that he was a player. 

Sophia: Tell him that I said no 

August: Why is that 

Sophia: I just don't think he is cute 

August: Alright, imma leave you alone 

Sophia: Ok bye 

He left and told Chris, when he told Chris thats when I looked back and saw anger in his eyes. I didn't figured that would be my first red flag. After school was done, I just reflected on my day and thought wouldn't be that bad for the whole semester. I had no idea what was coming my way. 

                                                                                   The Next day 

I was at school, my second day. It was lunch time, I walked towards my locker but then I saw Chris and his friends. He had a girl holding his hand. She had long black hair, she was wearing a white tank top that was showing her stomach, and a denim shorts. She had this bitchy aura. When I turned my back on them and tried to open my lock, my books and notebook were out of my hands. 

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