Part 5

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Chapter 5

"Is he awake?" a voice states.

"Of course not. He's still under the anethestic. He just had major surgery."

One voice is Thorn. The other voice sounds familiar. I can't put my finger on who this other person is. I know the voice but I can't focus.I am barely awake. I can't open my eyes. Maybe it's the drugs that they have me on. Maybe it is something else entirely. All I know is that I just had my 2nd surgery in a week and this time I can hear voices.

The familiar voice, the one who I can't put my finger on, sounds concerned.

"We can't fuck this up Thorn. We won't have a second chance."

"Everything will work well."

"It better. Is he ready?"

"Not yet, but I'll make him perfect. I'll make him the perfect doll."

I fall asleep again. I don't know why I was able to even hear that much of the conversation. It must be some sort of freak accident with going under.

"How do you feel?"

This can't be legal. I signed no papers. Thorn took care of the bills. All the surgery takes place in a clinic that seems hidden to the world. It's back alley. It's something that shouldn't be happening. Thoughts are running through my head. I wonder if I get an infection. I wonder if something bad will happen.

"I feel like shit."

"10 hours worth of surgery: Rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, hair transplant surgery, pectoral implant surgery and otoplasty. You've had a lot of work done sir. You'll be feeling good in no time. We'll go ahead and get you taken back."

I am in and out of it on the entire ride back to the house. I'm not sure what I signed up for. I'm not sure why the hell I allowed myself to do this. It was too late now. The bandages are too tight. I feel hazy and groggy even during the ride back. The nurse with me continues to give me oxygen at random times. I feel sick, ready to vomit probably because of the anesthesia.

They give me pills and let me sleep.

When I wake up I immediately get out of the bed and start making my way to the kitchen.

My head is killing me. What have I done to myself?

What the FUCK have I done to myself?

I'm surprised when I see Kordell there. I'm so dazed that I don't even notice him at first. His eyes follow me into the room. He is bandaged up but not as much as me. He looks like he had his nose done or something. The only other thing that I notice is his hair looks a lot fuller than mine does. He's the only one I see at this moment.

"You look like a zombie," Kordell states laughing as he looks over at me.

"Well shit, I feel like the living dead," I state, taking one of the pain pills using water straight from the tap before turning back and muttering a groggy, "Are the others back yet?"

He shakes his head, "No you're the first one back after me. What did you get done?"

"What didn't I get done is the question," I respond, looking in the fridge.

"Our food is labeled," Kordell states.

I look over at Kordell. He isn't laughing. He isn't joking. I can't even eat what I want to eat after a 10 hour surgery. The second time around is worst than the first surgery I had. Sure enough when I open the fridge I realize that our meals are outlined. They are broken down by our names into specific portions. I have no doubt that Thorn has outlined our little recovery house with nothing but healthy food.

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