Part 14

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Chapter 14

"For such a gloomy day you guys are looking hot," Marisol states.

It was April and the rains are pouring down outside. Everyone is talking about the Tornado that was coming up.

"They'd be perfect," one of the girls with her states.

I'm confused, "Perfect for what?"

"Can I take a picture of the cute couple for the yearbook?" Marisol asks.


Last I knew was that Mimi Weston was in charge of the yearbook. I also knew Mimi Weston had a thing for the new and improved Richard. I'm surprised when Marisol and a whole crew of people are here. One of those people definitely is not Mimi Weston.

Marisol smiles a little bit, "Mimi took a...hiatus. Besides. I think this is going to be great in helping me kick off my career in journalism. I wanna be on the news one day."

Marisol gives me a devilish smile. It's been a few months and I had stayed clear of the Dollhouse and Serena. It was clear they were still up to their old antics. Of course, I didn't mind Marisol though. It was nice to see her come out of her shell so fully. Plus if Mimi Weston had her way she'd be taking pictures of Marisol's boyfriend butt naked.

"Well we can help you out with that," an arm folds over my shoulder.

It's Adonis, my boyfriend. He kisses me square on the lips just as Marisol snaps the photo. In that moment I hear a bunch of girls in the hallway start giggling.

"Beautiful couple," Marisol states, "Lionsdale's first gay couple. You guys will probably get your own spread in the yearbook if that's OK with you."

Adonis and I look at each other.

"What is there to say?" I ask, "We're just happy."

Marisol smiles at me at that moment, "That's the point. You guys are two sexy ass guys. All the girls want you both more because they can't have you."

I look over at Adonis, "Did you have any idea this was going on?"

He shrugs, "Not at all."

Marisol leans in, "You guys are the most popular couple in the school right now. Haven't you heard? The tickets for your gay version of West Side Story sold out."

I hadn't heard. Mrs. Lindsay definitely had us doing a lot more rehearsals. I figured it was just because the school year was over and the play was coming up soon. Now it was clear that this was a big deal.

"We've been so focused on our relationship," I admit to Marisol, "We hadn't even noticed."

Marisol shakes her head, "At least give us an interview. Some pictures. Some momentos. Anything to use in the yearbook. I think it's important to make this year memorable. And Lionsdale's first gay couple is something that should be celebrated."

I think about it. I'm not sure. A part of me wanted to do it. I was so into Adonis at this point. These last few months had been perfect. Ever since the dinner with the O'Neil's things had just changed. Adonis stopped hanging out with his old friends and I stopped hanging out with mine. We didn't talk to anyone. We sat at a table by ourselves, doing our own things. We didn't get mixed up in all the school drama and politics.

We stayed out of the limelight.

But that just made people more interested in us.

"All I care about is bae," Adonis responds almost immediately before I have a chance to answer, "Me and Yogi are good. We don't need anyone in our lives. We are done with that world."

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