Chapter 8

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"Calum, I want to pack light."  I pull my small, black suitcase from underneath my bed and flip the top open. 

"Why?" Calum raises his eyebrows.  

"I don't want to bring stuff I don't need.  And I'm pretty sure I won't be staying for the entire tour.  I'll probably be shipped off to spend a couple months with a distant relative.  That is definitely something my mother would do.  How long is the first leg of the tour?"          

"'s in Europe.  I think we're playing 26 shows in 41 days?"

"You're missing Christmas and the New Year?"  I ask, shocked; even rockstars should bake holiday cookies during this season.  

"Yeah, well...we're not missing it.  Just, doing it a little differently.  Honestly, my parents are more upset about it than I am.  But it's fine, I mean, it'll be a little sad, but I'll have the boys.  So the family part of the season is still there."

"That sucks...I'm sorry." 

"The price of fame," he shrugs.  

"Ugh. It must be horrible to have millions of teenage fans adoring you and your music. What a struggle!"  My comment earns a small chuckle from Calum.  "So, Europe is going to be cold.  So I should bring winter clothes, right?"  

I slide over to my closet, pulling out a box of winter clothes I had brought from home that I considered donating to a thrift store the minute I realize how warm it was in Australia.  

"Yeah, sounds right.  That's what I'm going to pack." Going to pack?

"Calum, you haven't packed yet?  We're leaving in under 48 hours.  Am I taking you away from that?" I don't want to be held responsible if Calum runs out of underwear and steals the other boys' on the trip because he was rushing to pack. 

"No, I can pack later. Plus, I figured that if I helped you, then you would feel obligated to help me, because I hate packing." 

"What makes you think I'll help you?"  I tease.  

"You will."  The cockiest smile plays over his face, and I feel so tempted to kiss him.  

I stand up, sighing, and place the bin on my bed next to my suitcase.

"Okay, so what like: four jeans, three leggings, four tee shirts, six sweaters, five dresses, three skirts?  Am I forgetting anything?  Oh, tights, some winter hats."  I toss everything I pull from the box and my closet into the open suitcase. 

Calum moves next to the suitcase by the head of the bed and starts picking up the clothes that I miss and playing with them.  I place my winter jacket aside along with the shoes I am taking.  Calum picks up one of my pumps and starts playing with the heel? 

"Wouldn't I look good in these?"  He jokes.

"Sure Calum, I'll get you a pair for Christmas."


"No," I laugh, doubting I'd even find a pair that'd fit him. 

He pouts. 

"Should I fold my stuff or roll it?"  I ask Calum and take a seat on the bed.

"Rolling?  Uh...I think I usually just toss it all in." 

"Rolling it is," I mumble.        

"Make you sure you leave out clothes for the plane.  Where are the cats going, since you know, you kind of leaving for a little while>"  

"My mom is sending them to my grandmother's.  Please don't ask." Holding his hand up in an 'okay' gesture he starts bouncing on my bed until that gets boring.

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