The Reason

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It is 8 PM when people realize it. The four of us finished our work at central plaza. Copter could not come because he had school project. The four of us are sitting on the back stage and checking our social media. My phone's notifications is a mess when I see it. I get more than a hundred messages right now.

"Wow what happen!" Phi Kim laughing when he open his phone and his phone buzzing nonstop. All of us, including phi Jane and the staff immediately check on the net too. I froze when I see the announcement.

An open audition for season 2.

Everyone is silence. I look at Phi Jane. She look as surprise as us. She immediately call someone and leave us.

"This is a joke right?" I said while laughing but no one laugh with me. Not even phi Kim, our clown leader. Phi tae keep his eyes on the phone. While Bas seems really depressed. He is too young to face this reality. He bite his nails and I can see tears start filling his eyes. I walk to bas and tap his shoulders. Bas staring at me with his lost puppy's eyes.

"They won't use us, right phi?" he said and tears start to fall from his eyes

"They don't want us" he said before I hug him tightly. Phi Kim, who sit beside bas, tap bas's head softly and hug him too.

"Calm down nong bas. Let's wait for mae Jane and Phi Oh na~"

Bas nods but his tears keep falling on his soft cheeks.

I look at Phi tae. He stare at me deeply with his cold eyes. He doesn't move a muscle. He just sit on the corner while gripping his phone tightly. I feels a little pain in my heart. How long is it since I have met him? Two years? We met before season one audition. Phi Jane introduced us before the audition. She wants us to got to the audition. Maybe it's is fate. Phi Jane have a lot of kids but she chose us among the others.

At that time I went audition for wayo and kit's character and Phi Tae went to get phana or forth character. But at the end I got beam and Phi tae got forth. And since that day my whole world is changing. My world is full of happiness. I received lot of loves and also find a love too. I keep staring at Phi tae while stroking bas's back.

"Tee" Phi Kim touch my hand lightly. I turn my face to Phi kim. He already let bas go so I also slowly push my body away from bas. Bas no longer crying but he still look depress. Phi Jane and Phi Oh stand next to us. We stare at them. They have been a mother and father to me when I am away from my family. I trust them like I trust my own family.

"We talked to them and unfortunately the news is true. They will replace all of the actors and actresses" Phi Jane let a heavy sigh.

Bas stand up and walk toward phi oh

"Why? Is it because of me? Because I took the series? If that's the reason, shouldn't they just kick me and not all the Phi too?"

"Bas!" Kim walk and try to calm bas.

"i am sorry nong. Phi know you all must been feeling depress right now and need an explanation. But unfortunately, we also as clueless as you all. They never mention anything related to the drama, so phi set your schedules without thought much. Beside, phi don't think that is the main reason. If the reason is schedules we can still talk about it. We can arrange and try our best to make everyone satisfy"

Phi Jane chuckles "I know it was suspicious when they released teasers without even contacted me or phi Oh" she stomp her feet "But I believed them. I believed they will not betray us. But this is.... " she press her nose bridge.

Bas walk back to his seat and let himself drown to the seat. Everyone back to silence.

"Let's take a rest tonight and talk about it later na~" Phi Oh try to calm us "We won't meet the fans after this but you can't put this face when you guys outside. Fans will be more worry when they look your faces. They already panick, we can't add more worry on their heads"

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