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The rocks begin to cut at my feet

The cool edges digging into my soft flesh

As I watch in amazement

As I watch mesmerized

By the beauty that surrounds

The beauty hidden from the naked eye

Owned by the people who just walk by

Never seeing the hidden Jewel

In this mess we call life

As fireflies begin to dance

Swirling and swirling

As there lights combine

And the crickets start to chirp

In tune to the loud frogs humming

And the voices of ghost begin to sing

Their very own

Special haunting melody

This is my home

This is what reminds me what is important in life

This is my sweet melody

My safeness in the dark

My protection

My everything

For I have no family to run to

No shoulders for me to cry on

I just have me

And the good thing about that is

That I can never feel betrayal


Or rejection again

Never again

All I have is me

And my special place

My own melody

all of my poetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora