The Honeymoon

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It was a beautiful sunset when mario and meggy were walking around the beach. Meggy wants to ask mario something that will change their life. But she's too scared to ask.

Meggy: Mario?

Mario: Yes?

Meggy: I know this may be too early to ask... But... I wanna have a baby.

Meggy said in fear that she would not but she wants a new born squishy/baby for their life's. Mario blushed and asks her ...

Mario: Meggy.. We haven't done nothing accomplished yet... How are were going to have a baby?

Meggy: I have an idea. But it will be painful.

Mario: Yea- What?!

Meggy laughed and took mario back inside to their house to make a baby.

Days later it was 1:30 am and Meggy woke up pain that she isn't feeling well. Mario woke up too for hunger but till he notice Meggy isn't feeling well he got worried.

Mario: Meggy! Are you ok?

Meggy: No. Now...

Mario rushed by carrying Meggy to the hospital to see whats wrong.

Doctor Toad: Hmm....

Mario: How is she doc?

Doctor Toad: Well it seems that she has something inside her stomach.

Mario: Like what a flu bug??

Doctor Toad: Nope. Seems like wait a minute ...

As the Doctor found something inside of Meggy's stomach. A wierd body figure like a bean shows that Meggy is having a baby.

Mario: Doc... Can it be?

Meggy: *gasp*

Doctor Toad: Yes mario, it seems that its a new born baby.

Mario: A baby? *smiles of excitement*

Meggy: Mario you know what's it mean?

Mario: That were having spaghetti?!

Meggy: No! It means that were going to be a family! *excited*

Mario: Yahoo!! I'm going to be a Father!!!

Meggy: I'm sure you will. :)

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