Fraud. (Mina x Fem!Reader)

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Pairing: Mina x Fem!Reader

"The real fraud, is life."

When you meet someone as wonderfully immaculate as Myoui Mina, you wouldn't expect it to end just like the movies. You don't expect her to send you love letters and try to speak to you at ungodly hours of the night, you don't expect her to pull you to her and make you feel something. But you do.

You'd always tell yourself that things will never be the way they seem, which turned out to be right. It was more of an issue of pride that you were exceedingly supercilious when you felt that you'd been right from the start and that everyone else was blinded to the possibilities.

Though, you'd still enjoy the occasional romance movie with all the cheesy goodness they contained. It wasn't unheard of for you to enjoy chick-flicks, in fact, you were an avid watcher. But people didn't need to know that. You had gained reputation as the 'skeptic' and you weren't planning to change that anytime soon.

At least, not until Myoui Mina came, but that wasn't planned. So, you were still oh so very valid. Right? Yes, you tell yourself, you were still right and nothing was going to happen. At least, not if you can help it. But sometimes, things don't go the way we expect them to, right?

It was possible, yet not possible at the same time, you wouldn't let yourself get attached. Though, avoiding her proves to be rather challenging as you become partners in Chemistry class. "Hey, I'm Mina." And that was how you met her in all her glory, her small voice somehow comforting to you.

"Hey, how are we going to do the chapter summary presentation?" You look up from your book, only to be greeted by Mina sliding in on the seat next to yours. In your defense, Mina was totally unavoidable due to her innate sense of responsibility. You would be lying if you said you wished she wasn't so responsible.

Because it would mean that she wouldn't pursue you as much as she did now, not that you enjoyed it or anything like that. You were just appreciative of her pitching in and pulling the workload just as much as you did. "My place again?" You nod in affirmation as she begins to slide out of her seat, turning to you one last time.

"Cool, see you at 3 tomorrow?" She asks just like she always does, so you turn to her. "Yeah, cool." It was always like that, the last thing being said was just 'cool' and you'd be lying if you weren't losing your mind about it. How could she be so calm while you were here going insane?

Offended, was definitely the right word to say, you were immensely 'offended' by her nonchalance regarding the entire situation. Maybe you were overthinking this, nothing was going to happen in her apartment. You were just working on the chemical bonding project, in the dark, alone, with a bedroom adjacent to your work space.

The day came much too quickly for your liking, you hated being in her presence more than anything. She was just so, unflawed and felt like plastic. How could someone display no flaws whatsoever? Totally and utterly manufactured is how, it was the only plausible way.

Though, you're dragged out of your thoughts as the door swings open to reveal Mina in a baggy shirt and some shorts. "Come in." She invites just above a whisper, moving over to let you in. She shuts the door behind you and hands you a cup of tea.

You're surprised as you taste that it's made just the way you like it, why would Mina ever remember something as futile as that? Nevertheless, you went to the little 'work area' you usually used and pulled your laptop out to begin working. Mina plops down in front of you and pulls out a laptop of her own.

For many moments, you and Mina sat in silence, the sound of the clicking of keys filling the tense air between the two of you. Mina finally broke the silence by shutting her laptop and shutting yours shortly after. "Let's get something for dinner."

You want to tell her that you aren't hungry, but your stomach betrays you and demonstrates what seems to be the whale mating call. Mina nods knowingly as she pulls out her phone and orders something online. "It'll be here in about 30 minutes. Let's take a break in the meantime." You want to voice your protests, but you decide that a break was in order.

After, you both fall back into the tense silence that Mina soon breaks. "So, wanna play a game or something?" You decide that a game couldn't hurt, so you agree and take a seat next closer to her. "Wanna just, do some questions that you answer with names?" Okay, that was the most basic of all games.

Everyone played that in high school under the name of 'would you rather', which never resulted in any good outcome. Someone would always get hurt by the end of it, though you could never really resist the embarrassment factor of the game.

"Alright then, why don't you start?" Mina nods, the tip of her tongue sticking out from her lips as she leans against the floor. "Kiss, Marry, Kill with Seonhyuk, Jeongho and-" She seems to contemplate for a moment, before a mischievous smile takes over her features.

"-and me." Oh wow, real original Myoui. "I'd kill you, kiss Seonhyuk and marry Jeongho." You shoot back smugly as the smile is wiped off of her face. "I can't believe you want Jeongho more than me." She fakes offended as she stands up and pulls you up.

"Yeah? He's way better than you." For whatever reason, she isn't deterred by this. Instead, this seems to egg her on as she pushes you against the kitchen counter. "Oh? How do you know that?" Now, she's leaning in and her face inches closer to yours with each passing second.

"Care to find out?" Oh God, you were wrong, something was going to happen. Unexpectedly, Mina's phone begins to ring and you curse the hope you developed in the fraction of a second. She hangs up fairly quickly, which further frustrates you. "Who was that?"

She seems unbothered by the call or your interaction. "Just some fraud." Oh, great. A fraud just had to call right at the wrong moment, just when you were going to be wrong, though you didn't care if you were. "The real fraud, is life."

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