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 When I got a letter in the mail, I expected it to be from Steve telling me how training in for the army would be. What I didn't expect was a condolence letter from the army base itself. It read,

To whomever it may concern, 

I'm sorry to report that James Barnes of the 107th has passed away in combat. He died serving our country and we are very thankful for his work alongside the Howling Commandos. I'm sorry to have to report this to you. 

-US Army Officials

I couldn't believe what I had read. My brothers best friend and the man I had secretly loved was gone. Dead. And I couldn't even say goodbye for the last time. 

I cried. And I cried for nights. It ended up being 3 days since I had received the letter and I hadn't gotten word from Steve. I wanted to know how he was feeling. I wanted to know what was going through his mind. But I couldn't. 

So, I decided, in the dark of night, to talk a walk. I didn't know where. I didn't know why. But I needed to clear my head from everything. So I grabbed my house keys, my jacket and a picture of Steve, Bucky and I that I decided at the moment I needed. 

I walked for maybe 7 minutes on a lonely street when I got the feeling I was being watched. I turned my head around and saw nobody. 

Maybe I'm hearing things, I thought. 

Suddenly, like a blur, I walked past an alley and was pulled in. I didn't see much except the man I thought I'd never see again. Bucky was holding me up against the wall with a metal hand around my throat.

"Bucky?" I managed to squeeze out.

I got no reply. All I got was a look of confusement then back to squeezing. The world was suddenly going dark. All I saw were Buckys piercing blue eyes that now looked dead. Black spots filled my vision as I slowly lost consciousness. 

Wounded- B. BarnesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu